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HSIP Eligible Systemic Improvements

About Systemic Safety

For many Indiana communities, severe crashes are spread over hundreds of miles of rural roadway. Many severe crashes seem to occur "randomly"; a severe crash may occur at an isolated location one year and another may never occur there again. While the exact location of these crashes may be random, the type of roadway where they occur is not random. For instance, we know that head-on crashes are more likely on roadways which are narrow and do not have a marked centerline.

Systemic Safety is a method that is used to address these crashes based on the "risk" of their occurrence by selecting locations for treatment based on roadway characteristics with or without a relevant crash history at any one location. Systemic safety does not replace hot-spot safety improvement projects such as intersection improvements, but should be used as a complementary technique to improve safety.

Communities may select countermeasures from the following list and apply them to relevant locations within their jurisdiction based on either a history of crashes or on evidence that routes with similar characteristics have been found to have a higher instance of severe crashes of a specific type which would be addressed by the chosen countermeasure.

To Apply:

To apply for HSIP funding for systemic safety, see our Notice of Funding Availability Page HERE. The applicant will be required to fill out a one page form INDOT SYSTEMIC SAFETY ELIGIBILITY FORM (For applications on or after May 1st 2024) to show that the work they are planning fits within one of the eligible systemic safety work types.

Systemic safety projects are often low-cost and low-impact and can sometimes be delivered faster than spot improvement projects. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to to determine if there is funding availability in a year sooner than 6 years out (the current call-year).

September 2024 - Special Safety Call


(Updated May 1st 2024)

For more information on each of these work types see our systemic safety brochure: (DOCUMENT NOT COMPLETE, COMING SOON)

For more information on systemic safety, click here.

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