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Title VI / ADA Information & Resources for Consultants & Contractors

Title VI Compliance Requirements:

All consultants and contractor subrecipients of federal funding administered by INDOT, directly or indirectly, must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other Nondiscrimination statutes that afford legal protections. Compliance includes,

1. Designating a Title VI Coordinator and ensuring the coordinator has received Title VI training.

2. Developing a Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy which must be made public.

3. Developing and maintaining a complaint process, complaint form, and a complaint log. (regardless of whether any complaints have been received)

4. Conducting regular training on Title VI and all related laws.

5. Developing a 504 ADA Nondiscrimination Policy Statement which must be made public.

6. Including Title VI Assurances in all contracts.

7. Post Title VI “It’s the Law” Poster.

8. Monitoring subrecipients of federal funds to ensure the subrecipients are adhering to Title VI and all other applicable civil rights laws and regulations.

9. Certifying the above as part of the prequalification process

10. Maintaining all records related to Title VI, including training materials and attendance logs, for three (3) years from the date of last action.

Prequalification Nondiscrimination Self-Certification

INDOT is required to ensure contractors and consultants who receive federal funds are in compliance with Title VI requirements. Compliance with Title VI is a requirement for prequalification. See ITAP Statement of Compliance with Nondiscrimination Requirements. Self-Certification is an affirmation by the company that it operates and meets all Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all related laws, executive orders, rules and regulations. Only Self-Certify if the above requirements are being met. Please refer all questions to

Online Training

INDOT requires Title VI Coordinators to receive regular Title VI training at a minimum of every two years. As requirements change, it is the company’s responsibility to ensure it stays current and up to date with Tile VI requirements. INDOT provides online training to consultant contractor Title VI Coordinators pursuant to 23 CFR 200.9(b)(9). INDOT offers an online training option as a timelier and expedient way for the Title VI requirements to be met. The online training is composed of two parts, a PowerPoint tutorial, and a pass/fail test. The Title VI Coordinator must score in the 90th percentile to pass the test and receive a notice of completion from INDOT. Title VI Coordinators must send their completed test to for pass/fail determination and receive a certification of completion.

Select the links below for online Title VI training materials.  

Tools, Templates & Guides

Other Related Nondiscrimination Authorities

  • Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 6101-6107)
    • Prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
    • Age Discrimination Act of 1975: PDFTEXT
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
    • Pursuant to Executive Order 13166, INDOT must take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to its services to persons who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. LEP persons may be entitled to language assistance.
    • The full text of the Limited English Proficiency Executive Order 13166: PDFTEXT

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information

Taffanee Keys
Contract Compliance Attorney
100 N. Senate Ave, Room N758-PQ
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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