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BY Roads Program Leads Students to INDOT

May 2023

The BY Roads training program provides opportunities for adults to learn directly from industry professionals and secure jobs in highway construction, including at INDOT.

BY Roads is a partnership between INDOT and the Indiana Construction Roundtable Foundation to employ adult women, people of color, and white males with incomes below the federal poverty level. Historically, these groups have been underrepresented in highway construction employment. For the program, INDOT utilizes federal On the Job Training funds as part of its commitment to increasing diversity in workforce programming.

Through a mix of classroom and onsite hands-on learning, students learn about highway construction safety, hand and power tools, skid-steer operation, construction drawings and math, material handling, and communications. Classes are held across the state.

In addition to modular exams, students must successfully complete in-person performance profiles for several modules. Students must physically demonstrate their learning in addition to taking written tests for certifications. One panel of the class is dedicated to current INDOT employees discussing their career progression and opportunities available at INDOT for employment.

Upon completion of the course, graduates attend a job fair with construction employers, including INDOT.

In March, Billy Guinn graduated and became employed by INDOT. Other BY Roads students who have been hired by INDOT are Bernard Nartey (December 2021) and Kiarah Gamble (January 2023).

For more information about the program, click here.

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