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Traffic Standards, Policies, & Procedures

INDOT's Traffic Administration office provides stewardship of agency policy for traffic control devices. INDOT has approximately 50 traffic related OMs which cover a variety of topics including signal warrant study procedures, use of flashing yellow arrow signal indications, sign ordering and non-standard sign design, signing for tourists attractions, and deactivation of overhead sign lighting.

Division 800 of the Standard Specifications provides construction requirements for traffic and lighting items.

There are about 400 standard drawings related to traffic and lighting - they can be found here.

INDOT's Revised Policy on Highway Lighting

INDOT has recently revised its policy on where lighting will be provided and the criteria that are used to make the decision. The process for deactivation of lighting has also been updated.

Developing the INDOT Traffic Engineering Investigations Manual (TEIM)

The TEIM is a collection of agency experience and knowledge on best practices for gathering data and field measurements and in using those findings to perform traffic studies such as crash analysis, speed limit determinations, parking restrictions, and lighting justifications.

INDOT's Intelligent Work Zone Design and Implementation Toolkit

This is a new document that provides information on devices and measures that may enhance work zone traffic operations. It provides basic descriptions and suggestions on what circumstances the device or measure could be of value and therefore should be discussed with involved parties as MOT plans are being developed.

Intelligent Work Zone Toolkit

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