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Asphalt Push Paver

After an old surface has been broken up and an area has been cleared to lay asphalt, the time comes to pour and level the new asphalt. The traditional can sometimes require workers to push and level the newly poured asphalt by hand, but with the Push Paver, this is completely eliminated. By attaching the Push Paver to a skid steer, the tool is able to level the asphalt precisely and efficiently. This innovative tool is versatile and can be used on many different projects. The Push Paver:

  • Is adjustable for compaction height
  • Can be used in milled spots 2-6 feet wide
  • Has a quick attach feature for all skid steer models
  • Saves time and injuries from manually screeding

This may be ordered sole source from Crane Hill Machine and Fab, Inc. For quote

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