INDOT4U is INDOT's 24/7 customer service line, ready to provide Hoosiers with a way to communicate issues and concerns directly to the agency. Call us today at 1-855-INDOT4U (1-855-463-6848).
If you are contacting INDOT regarding a text or email you received about a past due toll fee, this is a scam. The Indiana Toll Road only sends toll bills through U.S. Mail, never via text message. Please delete and do not respond to the text.
INDOT is responsible for construction and maintenance of interstate highways, state roads, and U.S. routes in Indiana. This includes adjacent overpasses and ramps on these roadways, and traffic control devices along these roadways, including signs and traffic signals.
INDOT is NOT responsible for construction and maintenance of county or city roads. For expedited service on a roadway that falls outside of INDOT's maintenance, contact the local city or county highway department of which the roadway falls in.
To report a roadway concern on a state road, interstate, or U.S. highway in Indiana, click here.
INDOT's customer service center operations are supported by a comprehensive service catalog that serves as the foundation for addressing customer questions and concerns and includes information about the nearly 100 different services provided by almost every division of INDOT.
Some of our most frequently asked questions are listed below:
In this section, you will find frequently asked questions regarding general INDOT information, as well as rest area and truck parking information.
- What does INDOT do?
- Where can I find information about public meetings or public hearings?
- Who is the head of INDOT?
- How does INDOT operate?
- Where can I find information about rest areas?
- Can I request for the travel guides in the rest areas to be mailed to me?
- How do I report a problem with a rest area?
Below you will find information regarding INDOT construction. These questions span from commonly asked questions about construction zones, to information for consultants and contractors. To view all future and current construction projects on INDOT roads across the state, visit
- Why do you have multiple construction projects in the same area at the same time?
- Why are lanes closed to traffic when there are no workers on the construction site?
- How do you decide what the detour route will be?
- Who can I call / email about a construction project?
- Why are there not enough warning signs about an upcoming construction zone?
- Where can I find the latest information about construction projects?
- How can I get notifications (email or SMS text) about construction projects in my area?
- How can I participate in planning for road construction projects?
- Where can I find a list of road construction projects in my county?
- Where can I find information about major road construction projects in the state?
- Where can I find traffic conditions along a roadway with road construction?
- Where can I find information about bidding on construction projects?
- How do consultants apply for prequalification to provide professional services on INDOT projects?
- How do contractors apply for prequalification to work on INDOT construction projects?
- Where can I look up who was awarded the construction project?
- How are local / LPA projects funded?
In this section, you can find answers to frequently asked questions regarding pavement markings. This includes processes, the application of, and other information regarding the paint used on Indiana roadways.
- Where can I report road lines that are faded or missing?
- How often do you repaint the lines on the road?
- What kind of warning signs do you use when you have painting crews on the road?
- Why don't you close roads until the paint is safe to drive on?
- How long does it take for paint on pavement to dry?
- How do I get the wet paint from the road off my vehicle?
- What kind of paint do you use on the road?
- How can I request for a bike lane to be added to the roadway?
This section contains frequently asked questions regarding potholes. This includes information on reporting a pothole, as well as the causes and solutions for potholes.
- How do I report a pothole?
- Why don't you have more crews fixing potholes?
- How come not all of the maintenance crew are working?
- How long does it take to fix a pothole?
- What causes potholes?
- What do you use to fill potholes?
- Why don't pothole repairs last?
- What do you do to preserve the roadways?
- How can I avoid hitting the potholes?
- Where can I file a claim for the damage to my vehicle caused by a pothole?
In this section, you will find answers to frequently asked questions regarding services offered by INDOT, such as Hoosier Helpers. In addition to this, you will find other frequently asked questions regarding requests for information, Tort Claims, and permits.
- Who are the Hoosier Helpers?
- What services do Hoosier Helpers offer?
- Are Hoosier Helpers available 24 / 7?
- Are Hoosier Helpers services free?
- What areas do the Hoosier Helpers patrol?
- Why aren't Hoosier Helpers available throughout the state?
- What is the phone number for the Hoosier Helpers?
- What is a Tort Claim?
- What type of damage does a Tort Claim cover?
- What information do I need to file a Tort Claim?
- How does a Tort Claim get processed?
- Where should I mail the Notice of Tort Claim form?
- How do I submit a Tort Claim for damage to my vehicle or property caused by INDOT?
- How can I check the status of my Tort Claim?
- Why is the Attorney General's office processing the Tort Claim that I filed against INDOT?
- Is there a deadline for filing a Tort Claim?
- When will I get reimbursed for damages?
In this section, you will find information regarding road conditions, common roadway treatments and alternative intersection, as well as information regarding drainage.
- How often are roads and bridges assessed?
- How can I request for additional lanes to a road?
- What do you do with complaints and suggestions?
- When are you going to update old deteriorating roads in our area?
- What materials do you use when building roads?
- Where can I find INDOT camera footage?
- What is fog seal?
- What is chip seal?
- Why do you install roundabouts?
- How can we prevent accidents at a dangerous intersection?
- How do I report a drainage pipe or culvert that is falling apart?
- Can you fix the drainage pipe / culvert that you installed under my driveway?
- Can you pay for damage to my property because of faulty drainage?
- Where can I go to see which roads are flooded in my area?
- When is it safe to drive through a road with water?
Below you will find answers regarding roadside maintenance. This category pertains to all issues or happenings on the side of the road. This includes, but is not limited to dead animals, litter, and mowing. If there is a hazard blocking the roadway that could cause a crash, please call emergency services, or the INDOT Transportation Services Call Center at 1-855-INDOT4U so that it may be addressed promptly.
- Who cleans up litter?
- Why is there so much litter?
- Who enforces littering laws?
- Can I help clean up the roads?
- How can our group adopt a highway?
- How can our company sponsor a highway?
- How do I report litter or littering?
- How do I report a dead animal on the road?
- How quickly do you pick up dead animals on the roadway?
- Can I pick up a dead deer?
- Do you help injured animals?
- How do you dispose of dead animals that you pick up?
- Why do you incinerate dead animals?
- How do I file a claim for damage to my vehicle after hitting a deer?
- How often do you mow?
- How do I report a tree or shrub along the road that needs to be trimmed?
In this section, you will find answers to frequently asked questions regarding traffic signals and signs. This includes how to report a malfunctioning traffic signal, an explanation of how traffic signals work, and frequently asked questions about the location of traffic signals and signs.
- How can I report a traffic signal problem?
- What causes the traffic signal to be out?
- Where can I check to find out when the power will be back on at a traffic signal?
- Where can I report a traffic light that changes too fast or taking too long to change?
- Why did you remove a traffic signal?
- How can I request a new traffic signal?
- Can you adjust the position of the traffic signal to make it more visible?
- Why doesn't the traffic signal allow more vehicles to pass through the intersection?
- How do you decide where or when to install a traffic signal?
- What does it mean when all the lights on a traffic signal are flashing?
- What does a flashing yellow arrow mean?
- What causes the turn arrow on a traffic signal to go out?
- How do I report a damaged or missing sign?
- How long does it take for a new sign to be installed?
- How long will a sign last?
- How is a street or road named?
- Can I buy old roadway signs from INDOT?
- How can I have my business logo added to a sign by an interstate exit?
- How can I request a directional sign leading to my business?
- Can I place a business sign in front of my house or business along a state highway?
- How can I have a road sign in front of my business removed or relocated?
- Can I place an election campaign sign in front of my house or business along a state highway?
This section contains information regarding INDOT's Winter Operations. This includes, but is not limited to, snow plow and road treatment information.
- What roads does INDOT plow?
- How do I report a road that needs to be plowed or salted?
- Why are the roads still covered with snow?
- How do you prioritize roads to plow?
- Why do your snow plow trucks have their blades up and are not plowing?
- Where can I find weather updates on winter road conditions?
- How often do you plow?
- How many plows, routes, or employees do you have plowing snow?
- How many hours do snow plows work?
- Why don't you have more people plowing snow?
- How much salt or brine do you use?
- Is there Frost Law in Indiana?
- How far ahead do you apply salt to the roads prior to a winter storm?
- What does pre-treating do?
- Are the salt and brine that you use on the roadways safe?
- Do you hire contractors for snow plowing services?
- Why do snow plows block the road?
- Who do I call to file a complaint about an INDOT snow plow truck driver?
- How do I file a claim for damage to my property caused by a snow plow?
- Can you plow my driveway?