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Safe Zones

Indiana Safe ZonesIndiana Safe Zones logo

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is piloting a worksite speed control program, known as Indiana Safe Zones, aimed at enhancing safety in roadway worksites across the state. This program is designed to slow down vehicles, reduce crashes, and save lives of both motorists and roadway workers.

Program Overview

The pilot program permits the use of four automated systems to monitor speeds in work zones, using advanced speed detection technology such as LiDAR and radar to monitor the speed of passing vehicles. Camera technology will document vehicles traveling 11 mph or more over the posted speed limit using images of rear license plates. Multiple warning signs will be in place as drivers enter and exit worksites where Safe Zones is active. Workers must be present for violations to be valid. Penalties will be sent to vehicle owners via mail.


Indiana’s Worksite Speed Control Pilot Program (Safe Zones) was authorized by House Enrolled Act 1015 during the 2023 legislative session. HEA 1015 was officially enacted July 1, 2023.

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