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Virtual Van Trip Application

The idea behind the Virtual Van Trip App was to create an application that provides a collaborative space for stakeholder input during the scoping phase of the INDOT capital program development.

The app pulls projects that are entered into the 20-year plan for roads and bridges and creates a separate Microsoft SharePoint list with notes from district partners as part of INDOT’s call for projects process. A Microsoft Power App has been created that is shared with district personnel, and the user enters in comments that are pertinent to the projects. As part of the app, a link to a GIS map shows the location of the projects; through the GIS map, a link takes users to PathWeb information. This gives other members in the district the opportunity to submit comments before the virtual van trip. During this virtual trip, the app will be used as the primary source of project data and maps. Roads will be “driven” by using the PathWeb links; additional data will be entered into the app, and associated costs assigned. All this information then gets put into a Microsoft Word document, and a PDF is automatically created and can be added as an attachment to the project scoping document.

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