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IN Indiana

In Fall 2022, the Indiana Destination Development Corporation launched the IN Indiana Campaign to highlight all things Indiana.

We would like to invite social media users to Take the Scenic Route IN Indiana with us over the course of the next several months as we explore our state and everything it has to offer.

At INDOT, we couldn’t be prouder of our state – our home – and we want the public to see Indiana like we do. On our social channels we will showcase things like state parks, museums, tourist destinations, architecture, infrastructure and more to incite nostalgia and pride and remind people that All Roads Lead Home IN Indiana. Everything highlighted throughout the campaign will be located on INDOT roads, so you'll get an especially unique view of our great state.

Check out our social media pages regularly to see the highlights and follow along with #INDOTINIndiana. This page will also feature a few top destinations on our roadways.

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