LSA # 14-336 (Logo Program)
Rulemaking Docket |
Date (“E”) for estimated future date |
Information |
LSA document number | 08-15-2014 | LSA # 14-336 |
Description of rule | The rule creates a broader definition of a freeway to expand the specific service sign (logo) program and also grandfathers nonconforming logo signs for an additional ten years, as well as updating some eligibility criteria. |
Notice of intent | 08-20-2014 | |
Proposed rule | 09-24-2014 | |
Economic impact statement | 09-23-2014 | |
Public hearing date and location | 10-16-2014 | A public meeting will be held on October 17, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at the following address: Indiana Government Center South, IGCS Rm. 5 |
IEDC comments | 08-26-2014 | |
Deadline for comments | 11-21-2014 | |
Submit comments Online | 11-21-2014 | |
Mailing address for comments | Indiana Department of Transportation |
Comments may be inspected at this location | Indiana Department of Transportation |
Request for public hearing | 09-17-2014 | |
Other notices | 07-17-2015 | Readoption of final rule |
Adoption of final rule | 05-27-2015 | |
Submitted to Attorney General | 07-17-2015 | |
Recalled by agency | 07-08-2015 | |
Submitted to Governor | 07-27-2015 | |
Final rule filed with the Indiana Register | 08-11-2015 | |
Final rule published in the Indiana Register | 09-09-2015 | |
Effective date of rule | 09-10-2015 | |
For additional information, contact | Joseph Bruno |