LSA # 12-147 (Seaplane Base)
Rulemaking Docket |
Date (“E”) for estimated future date |
Information |
LSA document number | (E) | #12-147 |
Description of rule | The rule updates definitions and terms so as to standardize the requirements for operation of a public-use seaplane base and to update the specific length, width, depth and approach to land minimum requirements with respect to federal requirements found in the current FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5935-1 concerning seplane bases. |
Proposed rule | | |
Public hearing date and location | 06-07-2012 (E) | Indiana Government Center South |
Mailing address for comments | (E) | Indiana Department of Transportation |
Comments may be inspected at this location | Indiana Government Center, N955 |
Adoption of final rule | 12-12-2012 | |
Submitted to Attorney General | 12-13-2012 | |
Deadline for Attorney General action | 12-28-2012 | |
Submitted to Governor | 01-03-2013 | |
Deadline for Governor’s action (may be extended an additional 15 days) | 12-31-2012 | |
Final rule filed with the Indiana Register | Indiana Registry ( | |
Final rule published in the Indiana Register | 12-19-2012 | |
For additional information, contact | (E) | Kevin G. Rector |