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Historic Bridges Marketing Program

When an Indiana historic bridge is planned for bypassing or replacement, the bridge is offered to any group or individual that may want to take ownership of the bridge and manage or relocate it to another site. INDOT and the Federal Highway Administration are currently working to market these historic structures for preservation in-place and for relocation (storage or to a new site).

Available bridges are classified in the following categories:   

Status Pending – The future of these bridges is unknown. Interested parties should coordinate with the contact names on the individual pages for more information. The Section 106 process is on-going. Interested parties/may/be able to use them at a new location depending on the outcome of the Section 106 consultation.  

Available – These bridges are scheduled for replacement or have already been replaced with a new structure.  They are currently either bypassed or dismantled and in storage. These bridges have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that allows for their relocation and reuse by interested parties. Interested parties should coordinate with the contact names on the individual pages to determine if the bridge is already in storage and ready to transfer or if its dismantling is yet to occur.  

Preserved – These bridges have been rehabilitated or commitments have been made for these bridges to either be rehabilitated in-place or relocated for reuse by another party. These bridges remain on the website to serve as project examples. Individuals and agencies involved with these projects could provide helpful information for others who are contemplating a project relocating a historic bridge.

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Contact Information

INDOT Cultural Resources Office
855-INDOT4U (463-6848)

Bridges Within Program

(Click on any thumbnail image for more information.)

Franklin County Bridge 163

Warrick County Bridge 140

Wayne County Bridge 149

Status PendingStatus PendingStatus Pending
S.R. 152 Over Gibson RR Yard
U.S. 150 Over UNT to Lick Creek
S.R. 316 over Wabash River
Randolph 117
Randolph 154
Perry 14
Jackson 203
Allen 277
Bartholomew 26
PreservedStatus PendingPreserved

Lawrence Co. Bridge 172

Decatur 18
Decatur 115
Status PendingAvailablePreserved
Decatur 140
Lake 2
Lake 36
PreservedAvailableStatus Pending

Lawrence Co. Bridge 150

Fountain 63
Daviess 183
Status PendingPreservedPreserved
Decatur 19
Jackson 197
Shelby 13
AvailableStatus PendingPreserved
Owen 14

Noble Co. Bridge 134

Warrick 264
PreservedStatus PendingPreserved
Warrick 271
Washington 113

Vigo 77

PreservedPreservedStatus Pending
S.R. 154 / Turman Creek
Putnam 146
Wells 59

Madison County 97

S.R. 67 / Lambs Creek
Freedom Bridge

Crawford 43

Noble 136

Decatur 131

Wayne Co. 511


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