Before you reach out to or call 1-855-INDOT4U, check to see if your question is listed below. Our top FAQs are continuously growing!
General Questions
INDOT Assets
Travel & Construction
Customer Service
INDOT Programs
General Questions
- Does INDOT and the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles do the same thing?
No. INDOT is responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining interstates, U.S. routes and state roads. The BMV is responsible for registration, licensing and IDs, among other things. Visit the Indiana BMV's website for more information regarding their responsibilities.
- Which district do I live in?
INDOT is divided into six geographical districts. You can find information on each district here:
- How can I apply for a job at INDOT?
Visit for employment opportunities. There, you can find open positions, job descriptions, benefits and more!
- How are INDOT projects funded?
INDOT projects are funded primarily from two sources:
- State revenues collected through taxes and fees related to cars and commercial trucks (example: DOT registration fees, gas tax fee)
- Federal funds
- Does my community qualify for INDOT funding?
Local communities can visit to learn about opportunities and qualifications for funding.
- How do I request a public record?
INDOT requires all public record requests to be made in writing. In order for us to help you further, please visit this link:
- How do I get an E-Z pass for toll roads?
To set up your account and purchase and EZ pass, visit
- Where can I get information on DOT Physicals?
DOT exams are a federal requirement. You can learn more at
INDOT Assets
- What roads are INDOT's responsibility?
INDOT is responsible for all aspects of interstates, U.S. routes and state roads. This includes regular maintenance and snow removal. City streets are managed by the local city or town street department, while county roads are managed by the county highway department or department of public works.
- How do I tell the difference between an INDOT road and all other roads?
Roads typically maintained by INDOT include: roadways that have higher speeds, chiefly those with 55 miles per hour and higher, and roads with entrance and exit ramps to higher speed thoroughfares. Non-INDOT roads include: numbered roads prefaced with CR or county road, roadway signs signified by small street name signs on their own pole, or residential neighborhood streets.
- Is INDOT responsible for sidewalks?
INDOT builds sidewalks on INDOT roads as a part of projects; however, local municipalities maintain the sidewalks after original construction.
- Who is responsible for traffic signal repair?
Power outage issues are the responsibility of the local utility company and not INDOT; however, damage to signals along interstates, U.S. routes, or state roads are INDOT’s responsibility.
- Is INDOT responsible for approaches from local streets to INDOT roads?
INDOT typically has ownership of approaches coming from a non-INDOT road to an INDOT road. An approach is an area of a road that comes directly before where one road intersects with another road. If you have issues on approaches, including but not limited to visibility and safety concerns, reach out to us at or at 1-855-INDOT4U.
- Is INDOT responsible for a stop sign on a local street intersecting an INDOT road?
Yes, INDOT is responsible for stop signs on local streets if they intersect with an INDOT road.
- I live on an INDOT road. Can INDOT fix the drainage pipe or culvert under my driveway?
Under Indiana law, drainage pipes or culverts under private and commercial driveways are the responsibility of the property owner.
- Does INDOT provide maintenance to manholes on INDOT roads?
No. Utility companies are responsible for manholes.
Travel & Construction
- Where can I find upcoming construction projects for my area?
Visit to find both current projects as well as projects up to five years in advance. You can also subscribe to email updates.
- Where can I find travel information and road conditions?
Visit for road conditions, cameras, traffic speeds and more.
- Where are the rest areas on Indiana interstates located?
A full listing of rest areas on INDOT roads can be found here:
- Where can I obtain a current road map of Indiana?
You can view and print Indiana’s current roadway map here:
- Why do you do full closures on roads?
There are a multitude of reasons behind full closures, with safety and time taking top priority.
- Full closures are safer for motorists and workers.
- Full closures prevent backups, which are a leading cause of crashes in work zones.
- A full closure that lasts 2-4 weeks can save motorists months of navigating through lane restrictions.
Customer Service
- Who do I contact if my vehicle is damaged from a pothole on an INDOT road?
If your vehicle is damaged, please call us at 1-855-INDOT4U or visit
- Who do I call if I encouter a roadway issue on an INDOT road?
You can call our customer service hotline: 1-855-INDOT4U or 1-855-463-6848. You can also visit
- What are the hours of the call center?
Our call center is open 24/7/365. Call us at 1-855-INDOT4U or visit
- Who do I call if I break down on the side of the road?
If you are in a Hoosier Helper service area, you can call the INDOT Transportation Services Call Center at 1-855-INDOT4U.
Otherwise, please reach out to the non-emergency line, your private insurance or your private roadside assistance service.
You can find the service areas for the Hoosier Helper Safety Service Patrol sponsored by GEICO here:
INDOT Programs
- Does INDOT take care of weeds and mowing?
INDOT takes care of weeds and mowing on INDOT roads by following a state mowing schedule and regularly taking care of noxious weeds to protect native habitats. Visit to learn more about our roadside services.
- Does INDOT take care of litter pick-up and dead animals?
INDOT handles litter and dead animal pick-up on INDOT roads. In 2021, INDOT dedicated over 240,000 hours to trash collection and spent more than $12 million.
- Does INDOT provide directional signage for businesses?
The blue directional signage you see on roadways are called Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS). TODS are guide signs for attractions and tourist services on state highways in rural areas. For more information, contact the Indiana Logo Sign Group at
- What is the STIP (State Transportation Improvement Program)?
The STIP is Indiana’s four-year transportation improvement program that includes upcoming projects. It is developed on a two-year cycle, gets amended monthly, and offers multiple opportunities for public comments. Learn more and access the current STIP at
- Does INDOT maintain public transit systems?
INDOT doesn’t maintain public transit; however, we provide funding to public transportation, freight and passenger rail and port facilities. INDOT also encourages and assists in the development of airports, landing fields, and other aviation navigation facilities. To learn more, visit
- What is the Hoosiers Helpers program?
The Hoosier Helper Safety Service Patrol sponsored by GEICO is a Good Samaritan program offered by INDOT to assist stranded motorists on Indiana interstates. The purpose of the program is to help keep Indiana interstates safe, provide traffic control and medical assistance at crash sites, and offer limited roadside assistance if needed. Since the program began in 1991, Hoosier Helpers have come to the aid of more than 400,000 motorists, driven more than 20 million miles and responded to more than 1.2 million incidents. Learn more at