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Procurement Project Finance & Budget


Procurement acquires approximately $175 million in goods and/or non-professional services for our customers in the following manner:

  • Assures that procurements are conducted in accordance with IC 5-22 and 105 IAC 12
  • Develops a productive and motivated procurement team
  • Improves procurement processes on a continual basis
  • Educates procurement agents on all facets surrounding procurement policies
  • Optimizes all resources to timely acquire goods and/or services for our customers
  • Employs innovative technologies throughout the agency

Procurement professionals work with each of the INDOT District and Subdistrict locations and all divisions within Central Office. We share in the task of making each procurement a "best value."

Project Finance

There are two units under Project Finance; Federal Finance and Project Budgeting.   Federal Finance assures that INDOT utilizes approximately $926 M of our Federal Highway funds for both INDOT and Local Public Agency’s projects for design, right of way and construction by assigning project funding requesting federal participation. The unit is also responsible for assuring that federal reimbursements are received in a timely manner.  This is accomplished by:

  • Assuring that federal projects are funded in accordance with U.S.C., Title 23 and authorized in FHWA’s financial management system (FMIS)
  • Optimizing all federal funds and preventing lapsing of funds
  • Receiving and maintaining earmark funding for special projects assuring the use of those funds on projects as funding is needed
  • Receiving and producing federal funding splits between INDOT and Local communities
  • The Project Budgeting Section assures that all projects are assigned a project budget that does not exceed the available funds allocated and is responsible for the creation of projects for state, local and/or federal in the state’s financial system assuring the ability for reimbursement claims by our contractors. This is accomplished by:
    • Creating federally funded projects according to funding authorizations as supplied by the Federal Finance Unit
    • Creating state funded projects according to funding requests as submitted by project managers
    • Setting project budgets not to exceed funding as identified in SPMS for fiscal year; maintaining fiscally constraint budgets

Professional staff in Project Finance work with each of the INDOT locations for project funding. We are tasked with tracking all federal funds including updating of those funds as changes are made in Congress and following requirements as stated above. Construction budgets are identified by using the agency’s scheduling system (SPMS) and through communication with program funds managers residing in all INDOT locations and local entities. The section also must maintain close contact with the Federal Highway Administration for federal funding and Budget staff within the area to assure budgets are in place.


Professional staff in budget provide fiscal assistance, constraints and guidelines to all the business units and programs within INDOT. Other responsibilities include:

  • Develop the agency annual and biennium budget
  • Monitor, analyze and administer the agency budget
  • Examine opportunities for greater efficiency and savings
  • Estimate cost for proposed, new or expanding programs
  • Process approved budget changes

Contact Information

Karen Hicks
Director - Project Finance 
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave., IGCN 749
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Diana Poturalski
Manager - Procurement
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave., IGCN 749
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Steve Fanning
Director - Budget
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave., IGCN 749
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Office: 317-232-3036

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