Whether you are a member of the military or are a civilian, there are many ways to serve both your community and the nation as an Indiana National Guard full time employee. All employees of the Indiana National Guard enjoy a professional work environment, competitive wages and excellent benefit plans. The Guard offers its federal and state employees comprehensive and affordable health insurance, retirement, paid leave and sick days, eligibility for raises and bonuses, alternative work schedules, regularly scheduled teleworking and up to five hours per week of paid time for performing physical fitness activities. Depending on the type of employee you are, different rules may apply. Check with your hiring manager to learn about the benefits being offered for your position.
Federal Human Resources Office
The Human Resources Office (HRO) is a consolidated office that provides personnel, manpower, management and administrative support service for full-time personnel programs. The office serves as the adjutant general's single span of control for managing and administering the Indiana Army and Air National Guard full-time personnel programs. We serve more than 1,500 full-time Army, Air, Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) and National Guard employees throughout the state of Indiana.
The HRO sponsors links to jobs that require and do not require membership in the Air or Army National Guard as employment criteria. Review the following job category definitions prior to searching vacancies. If you need assistance with understanding what the different categories are, please contact us.
Human Resources Section | Phone |
Main Line | 317-247-3289 |
Employment Verification | 317-247-3289 |
AGR Air Staffing (Applications/Announcements) | 317-247-3300, Ext. 3390 |
AGR Army Staffing (Applications/Announcements) | 317-247-3300, Ext. 74013 |
AGR Manager | 317-247-3287 |
AGR Pay & Leave Slips | 317-247-3300, Ext. 74012 |
AGR Separations & Retirements NCO | 317-247-3300, Ext. 74015 |
Air Guard Classification | 317-247-3278 |
Army Classification | 317-247-3300, Ext. 73292 |
Technician Staffing | 317-247-3299 or 317-247-3460 |
Deputy Human Resources Officer | 317-247-3467 |
DTS & Technician Budget Assistant | 317-247-3300, Ext. 74014 |
Employee Training & Development | 317-247-3440 |
Human Resources Admin Assistant | 317-247-3289 |
Human Resources Officer | 317-247-3285 |
Labor Relations | 317-247-3472 |
Personnel Systems Manager | 317-247-3288 |
State EEO/SEEM | 317-247-3237 |
State Tricare Rep/Covalence | 317-247-3390 |
Supervisor of Technician Services | 317-247-3387 |
Technician Manager | 317-247-3428 |
Technician OWCP Coordinator/EAP/Awards | 317-247-3469 |
Technician Performance Evaluations | 317-247-3387 |
Technician Retirements/Separations | 317-247-3387 |
Technician Services | 317-247-3494 |
Technician Staffing Supervisor | 317-247-3299 |