The Indiana National Guard Office of the Inspector General provides assistance to commanders, soldiers, airmen, civilians, family members and retirees through inspection, inquiry and investigation to enhance discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, training and readiness throughout the organization.
- We support commanders and the chain of command to ensure they are effective, efficient and economical as possible, to improve operations, morale and readiness of the command.
- We provide assistance for soldiers, airmen, family members, civilians and retirees. We conduct inspections to measure compliance, identify systemic issues and correct deficiencies.
- We conduct investigations that meet the standards of thoroughness and fairness.
- We teach and train at all levels.
File a Complaint
To complain without fear of reprisal is the right of any soldier, civilian or family member seeking IG help. After all, problem solving is one of the Inspector General's primary missions.
Before you contact your Inspector General...
- Be sure you have a problem, not just a peeve.
- Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem. Many problems must be addressed to the chain of command for resolution anyway.
- If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG first. IGs at higher commands will normally refer the case to the local IG for action.
- Be honest and don't provide misleading information. IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information.
- Keep in mind that IGs are not policy makers. If a policy is flawed you can submit proposed change on a DA form 2028.
- Keep in mind that IGs can only recommend, not order a resolution. Only Commanders can order a resolution. The role of the IG is to advise the Commander.
- Remember IGs can only resolve a case of the basis of facts. Your claim that a supervisor has violated rules does not make it fact. A claim must be supported with evidence.
- Don't expect instant action on your request. Be patient. Investigations take time.
- Be prepared to take "no" for the answer. In any response, the IG will explain why.
What next?
- You must use other forms of redress before coming to the IG; for example, if your issue is with an NCOER...did you appeal IAW DA PAM 623-3?
- If you still need to contact the IG, go to Filing a Complaint; complete the form and be prepared to provide it to the IG.
- If you have given your chain of command a chance to solve the problem AND used other forms of redress before coming to the IG, and you still need to file a complaint, complete form DA Form 1559 for Army National Guard complaints, or AF Form 102 for Air National Guard complaints.
- Scan and email the form to
Inspector General Action Request - fill out online
DA Form 1559 (PDF) - Inspector General Action Request
AF Form 102 (PDF) - Inspector General Personal and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Complaint Registration
Note: If you are unable to open the PDFs or are receiving an error message when attempting to open PDFs, right click and save the PDF to your computer, then open the file on your computer.
Please read the FAQ before filing a complaint.
- What is the role of an Inspector General?
Inspectors General (IGs) are confidential advisers and impartial fact finders for the Adjutant General. Whenever possible, IGs work through and within the chain of command to maintain viability, effectiveness, and relevancy. IGs are bound by regulations, policies and directives. In short, Inspectors General are impartial and don't “take sides.” Think of IGs as umpires who call balls and strikes.
- Why should I talk to an IG?
- Who can ask for Army Inspector General assistance?
- Can someone tell me NOT to talk to an IG?
- Will going to a higher-level IG expedite my case?
- Are my interactions with IGs kept confidential?
- Do IGs provide legal advice?
- Do IGs handle ALL issues reported to them?
- Can the IG direct an action or make a new policy?
- Do IGs encourage soldiers to bypass the chain of command?
- I don’t like or agree with the answer I got from the Indiana National Guard IG. Will going to the next higher echelon IG change the answer?
- What is a whistleblower, and are they protected under law?