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Himsel Army Airfield

Camp Atterbury provides the opportunity for aviation units to schedule aviation assets for forward area operations. Himsel Air Traffic Control Tower is operational from 0700L to 2300L daily. The Airfield Operations Office is staffed seven days a week Monday through Friday, 0700L-2300L; Saturday-Sunday, 0800L-1600L and other times as mission requires. Fuel is available Monday-Friday with 24-hour prior notice and at other times with a 72-hour notice. If a mission requires 24-hour operations, a 72-hour advance notification must be requested. The staff is here to provide knowledge of local operations and procedures, customer service and airspace de-confliction.

Camp Atterbury also provides areas for realistic flight training under VFR (Visual Flight Rules), night and night systems. Included are terrain flight areas, confined areas, and unit supported FARPs (Forward Arming and Refueling Points).

Airfield Reservation Information

Prior to arrival at Camp Atterbury, aircrews will familiarize themselves with the Training Areas, Complex, Air Routes, and the Impact Area. The Impact Area is a NO-FLY ZONE. An aviation map and Aviation Procedures Guide are provided on the Downloads and Maps tab on this webpage.

Aircrews must call Range Control prior to departure for a range brief and flight restrictions to expect at their proposed arrival time. Range Control phone: 812-526-1351. Himsel Tower will provide an update prior to approving entry to the Restricted Area.

If aircrews arrive unfamiliar with Camp Atterbury, expect to remain clear of the Restricted Area until in position to enter from the north. When cleared to enter the Restricted Area, Tower will direct you to proceed directly to Himsel Army Airfield, land, and receive a ground brief from Airfield Operations prior to conducting flight operations in the Restricted Area.

Prior Permission Required (PPR) Form

Geographic Information Supporting Military Operations (GISMO) is a geospatial data viewer designed to assist users of Army National Guard installations by providing map-based query and display of installation range and training facilities. Landing Zones (LZs) and Drop Zones (DZs) can be viewed on GISMO.

Camp Atterbury on GISMO


  • Cargo Building
  • Aircraft Parking Apron
  • Available support equipment
  • Planning Facilities
  • VIP Lounge

HAAF Airport Diagram

Camp Atterbury JMTC Aviation Hazard Map

Aviation Map

Support Equipment Available for Users of Himsel Army Airfield

Contact Us


Monday-Friday, 0700L to 2300L
Saturday-Sunday 0800L to 1600L
Other times as mission requires.

Monday-Sunday, 0700L to 2300L
Other times as mission requires.

Range Information

Department of Defense (DoD)
Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
supplement as “HIMSEL AAF”

Prior Permission Request (PPR)
Required For Arrivals
Himsel Tower or Range Control
126.2 VHF
approximately 18/36 4050’ x 72’
Field Elevation
709’ Mean Sea Level
May require approach over impact area. Ranges must be in check-fire.


Fuel available with 24 hour's notice, 72 hour’s notice for weekend availability.
72 hours advance notice if your mission requires 24-hour operations.

Seal 1


Seal 5

Seal 3

Seal 4