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Advanced Urban Training

Muscatatuck Training Center goes beyond the requirements of FM 3-06. MuTC was developed in coordination with the state of Indiana as a large urban training site, which:

  • Leverages existing masonry buildings
  • Supports Camp Atterbury urban training requirements
  • Provides a unique and realistic training facility for Army units, Department of Defense (DOD) exercises and law enforcement agencies from all levels of government

As urbanization continues to progress in society, it is generally accepted convention that future conflict is likely to occur within environments containing dense urban terrain. Coupled with the advancements of information technology infrastructure, Muscatatuck Training Center provides a relevant, modern-day urban environment designed to meet the training requirements of Joint All-Domain and Multi-Domain capable formations.

Urban Operations Doctrine

JP 3-06 Joint Urban Operations, 20 Nov 2013 (CAC Card Required)

JP 3-06 Joint Urban Operations governs the activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations and provides the doctrinal basis for interagency coordination and for US military involvement in multinational operations. It provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders (JFCs) and prescribes joint doctrine for operations, education, and training. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces in preparing their appropriate plans.

FM 3-06 Urban Operations, 26 Oct 2006

FM 3-06 Urban Operations provides the analytical tools for evaluating an urban operation to determine if the operation is necessary for overall mission success. It also provides the means to understanding and determining the impacts of the urban environment on military operations and provides information on managing, taking advantage of, and mitigating the effects of those impacts as appropriate. As such, this manual demonstrates how to apply the doctrinal principles in FM 3-0 to this unique environment. To be replace by ATP 3-06.

ATP 3-06.1 Aviation Urban Operations, 27 Apr 2016 (CAC Card Required)

ATP 3-06.1 Aviation Urban Operations provides multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures for planning and executing aviation operations in the urban environment. This publication complements established doctrine and provides a single-source reference to assist aviation and ground personnel in planning and coordinating tactical aviation support to urban operations. It promotes an understanding of the complexities of urban terrain and incorporates lessons learned and tactics, techniques, and procedures from recent aviation urban operations.

ATTP 3-06.11 Combined Operations in Urban Terrain, 10 Jun 2011

ATTP 3-06.11 Combined Operations in Urban Terrain describes the fundamental principles, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) of urban operations (UO) across full spectrum operations, using the UO operational construct (understand, shape, engage, consolidate, and transition) to outline the discussions. ATTP 3-06.11 is based on current BCT structure and lessons learned from ongoing UO. ATTP 3-06.11 primarily addresses offensive and defensive operations in an urban environment. Stability operations are briefly discussed in the context of transition considerations. Stability operations are inherently among the people and generally in urban environments.

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