The Directorate of Logistics (DOL) is located in Building 3 on Clark Street. We are a customer service organization that provides or coordinates a variety of services, including general supply assistance (classes I-IV, VIII, IX); subsistence, food service assistance, transportation and maintenance support, annual training and inactive duty training planning assistance and support. The Atterbury Rail Deployment Facility (ARDF) or “Camp Atterbury Railhead” and staging area are also located within DOL.
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Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security
The Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS) directs and coordinates installation operations and training support activities to provide users with a focused and immersive training environment. DPTMS is also responsible for force protection and modernization, operational planning and emergency operations. We oversee Range Control, Scheduling, the Training Support Center and Himsel Army Airfield (HAAF).
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The Directorate of Public Works (DPW) provides garrison/facility general engineering, maintenance, minor construction and utilities support. Our services are rendered to all permanent parties, transient units and tenant activities conducting operations and training for federal and state missions. DPW provides 24/7 emergency services for threat to life or property, including fire protection and prevention.
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Resource Management
The Directorate of Resource Management (DRM) supports the training requirements of customers and stakeholders including the oversight and management of federal funds and non-appropriated accounts. We execute sate of Indiana contracts, MIPR requests and process financial requests for non-federal customers.
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