Warfighter (2015)
In February 2015, more than 150 38th ID soldiers participated in a division-level warfighter exercise at Camp Atterbury, training alongside more than 3,500 service members from 22 different units from the Army and Air National Guard, Army Reserve, active-duty Army and Air Force and Canadian Forces. Concentrating on processes and procedures to improve information flow between higher commands, subordinate units, multinational forces and other government agencies, the nine-day exercise tested their joint and combined command and control techniques in simulated battle scenarios.
Vibrant Response (2015)
In April 2015, 38th ID troops took on a disaster-response mission to support civilian authorities. The standby, follow-on mission supported U.S. Northern Command. The Cyclone Division command staff coordinated missions for more than 2,000 personnel highlighting their command and control capabilities during the exercise, which simulated a nuclear detonation in a major U.S. city.
Deployments (2015-2016)
Real-world missions for 38th ID soldiers included two deployments to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and deployments to Kosovo and Afghanistan. Approximately 120 38th ID troops deployed to Cuba in November 2015 and August 2016. They supported Southern Command by providing command and control assets that oversaw the safe, secure, humane, legal and transparent care and custody at the base’s detentions facilities, working at a joint base alongside sailors, airmen and Marines. The 38th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) deployed approximately 100 soldiers in September 2016 to Kosovo in support of the NATO-led mission there to assist with the international humanitarian effort. In January 2017, Cyclone Division deployed 60 soldiers to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. While in the Middle East, the Guardsmen trained, advised and assisted Afghan security forces in two provinces.
Operation Saber Junction (2017)
In April 2017, 38th ID soldiers supported the U.S. Army Europe’s Operation Saber Junction in Germany. While there, they acted as the higher command during the certification exercise to evaluate the readiness of combat brigades to conduct unified land operations, a simultaneous combination of offensive, defensive and stability missions. The joint and combined exercise featured the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and forces from Romania, Poland and Slovakia. Guard and Reserve forces that supported U.S. Army Europe played a vital role in boosting land-force capability, and their integration represented one of the five pillars of a strong Europe.
Joint Readiness Training Center Deployment (2017)
More than 3,500 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team soldiers completed nearly a month-long rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana focusing on mission command training to prepare for combat deployment around the globe. In addition to the infantry brigade, division soldiers with the headquarters battalion and sustainment brigade assisted with or took part in the rotation.
Hurricane Harvey and Irma Relief Operations (2017)
In August and September 2017, approximately 80 soldiers from the 38th ID responded to relief efforts for Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida. In Texas, Cyclone Guardsmen managed in-processing operations near Bastrop, Bryan and Huntsville, deploying a mobile command post to provide movement control and reception, staging, onward movement and integration for deploying units, and replacing Texas Guardsmen so they could focus on their personal recovery efforts. For Hurricane Irma relief efforts, approximately 100 Cyclone Guardsmen provided command, control and coordination oversight.
Pacific Pathways (2018)
As the main task force for the Army’s Pacific Pathways exercises in 2018, the 76th IBCT became the first National Guard Brigade to lead a major U.S. Army exercise in the Pacific. The Brigade led the second leg of the yearlong exercise developed by the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) and U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC). The unit’s participation in Pacific Pathways addressed important challenges for the military, including the sustained and expeditionary utilization of part-time service members and the coordination and logistics necessary to move troops, equipment and supplies into the theater from the heart of the continental United States.
Task Force Spartan (2019-2020)
More than 600 National Guardsmen with the 38th Infantry Division deployed to the Middle East in July, 2019, for a year-long deployment at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. The Division assumed authority of U.S. Army Central Command's Task Force Spartan, charged with the care of more than 10,000 U.S. service members in the Gulf region. Their mission, which involved partnering with host nations and partnered militaries, allowed soldiers to perform side by side and use their training to build interoperability.
Covid-19 Domestic Operations (2020-2021)
Facing dual problems of a worldwide pandemic and civil unrest in 2020-2021, the Cyclone Division faced some of its biggest challenges. The Division activated more than 2,500 soldiers from across the state to support critical operations and civil authorities. Soldiers worked at food banks, prisons, hospitals and long-term care facilities, and facilitated logistical coordination and distribution of the coronavirus vaccine, playing a vital role in Indiana’s statewide response.
NATO Mission in Kosovo (2022)
In Oct. 2022, approximately 300 Indiana National Guardsmen with the 38th Infantry Division’s 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed to Kosovo as Task Force Nighthawk to assume the Regional Command-East mission for KFOR 31 in support of Operation Joint Guardian. KFOR RC-East comprised 10 contributing NATO partner nations, including Poland, Latvia, Switzerland, Turkey, Slovenia, Greece, Hungary, and Italy. Its mission was to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, as mandated by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.
Warfighter 24-4 (2024)
The 38th ID prepared for battlefield scenarios during June, 2024’s Warfighter Exercise at Camp Atterbury. During the nine-day exercise they tested their proficiencies; refined their tactics, techniques and procedures; and synchronized their assessments, decisions and actions to defeat the enemy. More than 2,000 troops from Indiana and surrounding states contributed by acting as response cells or as other units, helping sustain the troops with fuel, water and food.
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