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Mission and Vision

Regional Training Institute ShieldMission Statement
The 138th Regiment (CA) conducts expert institutional training for Infantrymen, Warrant Officer Candidates, Officer Candidates and medical personnel as well as multiple functional area courses and marksmanship events throughout FY25-27 at Camp Atterbury, Indiana to enhance individual, leader and unit level readiness.

Vision Statement
The 138th Regiment (CA) is a premier Army institution of learning that continues a tradition of excellence which generates readiness and enables retention goals for the operational force to meet TAG retention initiatives and P2 readiness goals. This is accomplished by:

  • Producing the most talented graduates for the benefit of the Indiana National Guard and U.S. Army through a superior development experience
  • Acquiring, caring for, developing, employing and retaining the best cadre through stewarding talent and professional development
  • Providing cadre and staff well-planned and predictable schedules to foster work-life balance
  • Enhancing student and cadre experience through modernization of facilities and improved technology
  • Maximizing maintenance and care of facilities, oriented on customer service


COL Daniel C. Bell

Col. Daniel C. Bell

Commander, 138th Regiment

138th Regiment Senior Enlisted Advisor

Command Sgt. Maj. Jason McReynolds

Senior Enlisted Advisor, 138th Regiment

Officer Candidate School

The Officer Candidate School (OCS) course educates, trains, evaluates, screens and develops officer candidates through our Indiana Traditional Program and the National Guard Bureau Accelerated Program to ensure they possess the moral, intellectual and physical qualities for commissioning and the leadership potential to serve successfully as company grade officers in the Indiana Army National Guard.

General eligibility requirements:

  • A minimum of 90 credit hours for admission
  • Be less than 42 years old at time of commissioning
  • Pass Chapter II commissioning physical
  • Pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
  • Be of good moral character
  • Commander's letter of recommendation

Warrant Officer Candidate School

The Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) course is designed to assist in the development of Army Warrant Officers into self-aware and adaptive technical experts, combat leaders, trainers, mentors and advisors to both soldiers and commanders.

Requirements for acceptance:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • GT score 110 or higher
  • High school graduate or GED
  • Secret security clearance
  • Chapter 2 physical
  • Documented experience in a specific field for technical warrant MOS
  • Visit US Army Recruiting Command for MOS-specific information

Infantry, Leader and Fitness Courses

The Infantry Qualification Course provides a logical progression of individual skills and tasks selected to develop disciplined and confident soldiers that are proficient in Common Skill Level One tasks and critical 11B10 Infantry Tasks. Aligns the development of competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities, attributes, and behaviors) in volunteers and enables their transformation into Army military professionals that are prepared (physically and mentally) to meet the rigors of the warrior tasks and battle drills. Graduates will be trained and educated in the skills of their military occupational specialty, enabling them to contribute as an effective team member at their first unit of assignment. Soldiers will also demonstrate proficiency in engaging targets with Individual and Crew-Served Weapons. 11B10 OSUT incorporates the Army Learning Model (ALM) which supports adaptive soldier training and education through practical exercises and enable soldiers to demonstrate mastery of individual tasks. Drill sergeants/instructors will integrate learner centricity into learning content that enable learners to understand what they are learning and why it is important.

Course Outcome:

The Infantryman will possess the ability to demonstrate proficiency and confidence to shoot, move, communicate, survive and adapt in situations required to become a productive member in their first unit of assignment.

FY25 Course Dates:

  • March 22 to April 12, 2025

The Infantry Transition Course is an MOS producing course that transitions (within CMF 11) and reclassifies (outside CMF 11) Reserve Component (RC) Sergeants and Staff Sergeants into MOS 11B Infantryman small unit leaders.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop RC Infantry Sergeants and Staff Sergeants who demonstrate proficiency and competencies appropriate to their level.
  • Use Army Doctrine to operate with tactical efficiency as a Fire Team or Squad/Section Leader within a platoon as part of a combined arms element.
  • Lead, train and educate, care for soldiers and equipment, maintain and enforce standards.
  • Communicate (orally and written) or take appropriate action to ensure mission accomplishment by using adaptive and critical thinking

FY25 Course Dates:

  • March 22 to April 12, 2025

Infantryman Advanced Leaders Course is a two-phased course. Phase 1 is 6 days VL and Phase 2 is 16 days ADT. Infantryman Advanced Leader Course (ALC) is a branch-specific, learner-centric course for primary MOS 11B30. The conduct of the course involves synchronous VL (Non-Resident), collaborative classroom learning (Resident/ADT) and hands-on learning using maneuver/training areas, ranges and/or simulators IAW the Small Group Instruction (SGI) process. It consists of progressive and sequential common core curriculum (NCO C3), select CMF 11 critical/common tasks/topics, select tactical tasks/topics and mandatory/directed training. The course culminating event(s) includes squad and platoon tactical operations with leadership evaluations.

Course Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in NCO Common Core Competencies (NCO C3) appropriate to their level
  • NCOs capable of operating with tactical efficiency within Army Doctrine to include as part of a combined arms element
  • NCOs capable of applying the four professional NCO attributes: lead; train and educate; care for soldiers and equipment; maintain and enforce standards
  • NCOs capable of adaptive and critical thinking to communicate effectively (orally or written) and take appropriate action

FY25 Course Dates

  • March 21 to April 12, 2025
  • July 31 to Aug. 22, 2025

Medical Training Courses

Tables I-VII, Table VIII Validation, BLS

A six- (6)-day, table-orientated course is conducted in accordance with the guidance provided in TC 8-800, Medical Education and Demonstration of Individual Competence (MEDIC). Graduates of this course will receive 48 hours of continuing educational units (CEU) (Table I-VII), skills validation (Table VIII), and Basic Lifesaver Provider certification.

FY 25 Course Dates

  • Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 2025
  • Feb. 24- March 1, 2025
  • March 3-8, 2025
  • March 17-22, 2025
  • June 9-14, 2025
  • Sept. 8-13, 2025

Combat Lifesaver (TC3-CLS)

A four (4) day, 40 hour course that covers TC3 curriculum for issuance of the CLS certification. Through classroom instruction and hands on learning students will acquire the skills to evaluate a patient and implement interventions including tourniquet, pressure dressing, airway management, burns, fractures, and hypothermia. Graduates of the course will also be proficient in documentation and evacuation procedures. The culminating event will include a written test and trauma lane validation under direct supervision of a team of combat medics. Scheduling: By request, MIN PAX (10) / MAX PAX (25)

All Service Members (TC3-ASM)

A one- (1)-day, 8-hour course intended to introduce non-medical personnel to TC3 concepts. Graduates of the course will receive classroom instruction and hands-on learning to evaluate a patient and provide lifesaving measures such as tourniquet, pressure dressing and airway management. Scheduling: By request, MIN PAX (10) / MAX PAX (60)

FY25 Course Dates

  • April 1-4, 2025
  • April 7-10, 2025
  • April 10-13, 2025
  • April 14-17, 2025
  • April 21-24, 2025
  • May 12-15, 2025
  • May 15-18, 2025
  • May 19- 22, 2025
  • June 24-27, 2025
  • July 28-31, 2025

A two- (2)-day, 16-hour course that provides medical personnel with an American Red Cross PALS certification. (16 CEUs)

Available by request for mission-specific trauma training or 68W Table VIII validation.

Eight (8) obstacle litter course and two-story military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) site (low crawl, low wall, high wall, tunnel, hill, crevice, Huey load).


Available by request for mission-specific trauma training or 68W validation

Instructor Courses

The Instructor Course, one of two courses that comprises the Common Faculty Development Program, is a 10-day/80-hour course designed for new faculty (e.g., instructors, trainers and facilitators). It is a competency-based course: the learning objectives are based on internationally recognized instructor competencies published by the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (IBSTPI). The course prepares new faculty to teach, train and facilitate learning in an adult learning environment. It introduces new faculty to Army instructor roles and responsibilities, teaching and learning models and professional and ethical requirements. The course also introduces classroom management techniques, the process for building learning objectives and lesson plans, and characteristics of effective communication. Throughout the course, new faculty will have an opportunity to practice teaching, working from short, simple practicum exercises to increasingly longer and more complex ones, culminating in an end of course lesson presentation. The first half of the course focuses on characteristics of effective instructors, self-awareness of differences in teaching and learning style preferences, and fundamentals of teaching and learning as they apply to adults. The second week focuses more on application of those fundamentals in various teaching and learning practicums, with both instructor, peer and self-assessment in a collaborative learning environment. The summative assessment will occur at the end of the course and consist of an individual 30- to 50-minute practicum.

FY25 Course Date:

  • May 4-16, 2025

Army Doctrine (as outlined in FM 3-0 and FM 3-90-1) and foundations for tactical planning and execution to include Introduction to Army Operations, Orders, Troop Leading Procedures, Operational Terms, Defensive Operations, Offensive Operations, Graphics, Operations Order Performance Evaluation and Tactical Certification Final Examination.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to plan U.S. Army Operations using TLPs, Defensive and Offensive Operations, Graphics and Terms, and constructing Operation Orders.
  2. Students will be qualified to train and evaluate future junior officers/cadets at the OCS level.

FY25 Course Date:

May 4-9, 2025

"Seek and Destroy"

138th Regiment Indiana Patch

The distinctive unit insignia (DUI) for the 138th Regiment symbolizes the service of the former organization, the 138th Armor Battalion. It is depicted by the golden leopard springing upon its prey, indicating the unit’s ability to move swiftly and silently while stalking its prey, then striking at the opportune moment with all the power and force at its command. It is felt that the leopard represents the animal most typical of this type of attack-powerful, silent, and swift, who by means of cunning as well as great strength is the greatest of all hunters. The eye of the leopard is emerald green, symbolic of its ability to see and hunt in the dark. Thus, the motto associated with the 138th Regiment is “Seek and Destroy.”

The lineage of the 138th Regiment can be traced back to September 1942 when it was formed as the 638th Tank Destroyer Battalion. In 1951, it was re-designated as the 138th Tank Battalion, and in June 1960 re-designated as the 138th Armor Battalion. The 138th Armor Battalion was inactivated and the colors were cased in June 1967.

The Indiana Military Academy was established in 1956 as an Officer Candidate School at Indianapolis. In December 1965, the Indiana Military Academy was moved to Camp Atterbury. After moving to Camp Atterbury, the curriculum was expanded to include Non-commissioned Officer Education Courses and Military Occupational Specialty Qualification Courses.

In 1996, the Indiana Military Academy was reorganized as part of The Army School System and given the designation as the 138th Regiment (Combat Arms). Restructured with a Headquarters and General Studies Battalion, the 138th Regiment was responsible for Combat Arms Training within a region consisting of six states: Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Today, the 138th Regiment conducts Officer Candidate School, Warrant Officer Candidate School and Combat Arms Training for Soldiers not only from Indiana but throughout the Army National Guard and Army Reserve.

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Infantry Courses

Officer Candidate School

Warrant Officer Candidate School

Seal 1


Seal 5

Seal 3

Seal 4