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Guardsmen, you are the backbone of everything we do. You are the thousands of soldiers and airmen of every duty status — bound together by core values and guiding principles — who ensure through your tireless efforts that the Indiana National Guard is ready to serve our state and nation when called. To maintain readiness, we are committed to across-the-board talent management, leadership development and to taking care of you and your families.

Provides support to soldiers, military families, veterans and members of any branch of service for a full range of situations and problems that may arise during service or deployment

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Soldier and Family Readiness Center

Achieve educational goals and secure a better future with federal and state tuition assistance, GI Bill, education counseling and testing

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Education Services

You’re a part of the team. Learn more about the benefits of National Guard membership and why you should stay

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Incentives and Retention

DA Photo, DEERS and ID Cards, DL Classrooms, Funeral Honors, transition and reintegration

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Services and Resources

Armories, units and services across Indiana

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TRICARE serves National Guard and family members with access to health care, pharmacy and dental through military and civilian hospitals and clinics

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Indiana National Guard in Your Community

Events Calendar

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