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While our service members are our backbone, our families are our strength. Whether you are a family member of an Indiana National Guard member currently serving, or you are a Gold Star family, our commitment is to provide you with a reliable network of quality services and resources to enable you to be ready and resilient.

Provides support to soldiers, military families, veterans and members of any branch of service for a full range of situations and problems that may arise during service or deployment.

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Spouse of Indiana National Guard Service Member places hand on shoulder to offer support.

Soldier & Family Readiness Center

TRICARE serves National Guard and family members with access to health care, pharmacy and dental through military and civilian hospitals and clinics

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Verify and update addresses, find a DEERS/ID office to obtain your new identification card.

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DEERS - ID Cards

Building Strong & Ready Teams is a command directed, chaplain led, community partnered approach that strengthens spiritual readiness for soldiers of all ranks and their families.

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Building Strong and Ready Teams

Supports children, youth and families of the Indiana National Guard during times of deployment, extended separation and normal day-to-day operations.

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Youth Programs

Child and Youth Program

Camp Atterbury cabin rentals and other amenities for retired military active duty, National Guard and Reserve members, state employees and DOD contractors working for the installation.

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Morale, Welfare and Recreation

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