The HOME Investment Partnerships Program Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (“TBRA”) is a rental subsidy that can be used to help income-qualified households pay for housing costs including rent, security deposits, and utility deposits. While the HOME TBRA program does not allow for the provision of supportive services as an eligible cost, IHCDA requires subrecipients to offer supportive services to all program participants to further ensure housing stability.
An August 2018 report published by the Prison Policy Initiative revealed that individuals who have been incarcerated just one-time experience homelessness at a rate almost seven times higher than the general population (Couloute, 2018). In acknowledgment of the unique housing challenges experienced by this population, IHCDA has designed its HOME TBRA program to exclusively serve income-eligible households in which at least one member was formerly incarcerated. For this program, “eligible participants” may be defined as 1.) individuals exiting the corrections system within six months who are at risk of homelessness due to a lack of stable housing, 2.) individuals who were formerly incarcerated and are currently experiencing homelessness, and 3.) individuals who were formerly incarcerated and are currently experiencing a housing crisis where enrollment in the HOME TBRA Program would prevent an eviction.
The amount of TBRA subsidy varies per household and is based on the income of the household, the rent requested by the landlord for the unit the household selects, and a rent reasonableness standard. As a “tenant-based” subsidy, the assistance is attached to the household. If the household no longer wishes to rent a particular unit, the household may move to another rental property and apply the TBRA award to the new unit, given that the term of the TBRA has not expired.
The HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance program differs from IHCDA’s HOME Rental Housing program. The HOME Rental Housing program provides capital funding for non-profit housing developers to build or preserve affordable housing, whereas the TBRA program provides funding to qualified organizations to provide rental assistance to participating households. TBRA program funds cannot be used as capital funds.
Current Award Recipients and Program Coverage Area:
Program Manual and Forms
Reporting and Claims
COVID-19 Waiver Guidance and Forms (Expired September 30, 2021)
Requests for Qualifications
IHCDA Contacts