The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) is administered by various housing agencies throughout the State of Indiana and is not all managed by IHCDA. IHCDA contracts with local community action programs to provide case management, including waitlists for application to the HCV program. In order to apply for the HCV program, you will have to apply to an open waitlist.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program comprises the majority of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority's Section 8 rental assistance programs. IHCDA administered vouchers to help over 4,000 families pay their rent each month. Eligibility for the Housing Choice Voucher program is based on a family's household income.
The voucher covers a portion of the rent and the tenant is expected to pay the balance. The tenants’ share is an affordable percentage of their income and is generally calculated to be between 30 to 40 percent of their monthly-adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. Most HCV program services are provided by Local Subcontracting Agencies throughout the state of Indiana.
Click here for additional information on the Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program
2025 Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan - DRAFT
IHCDA has released a draft 2025 Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan for public comment. The following changes were made from the 2024 Administrative Plan:
- Plan updated for Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) Compliance
- Plan updated for National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) Compliance
- Added limited preference for Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
- New Chapter on special programs
- Added section for remote briefings
- Removed reference to charge for copies of informal hearing documents
- HOTMA removed the statutory authority for the Earned Income Disallowance (EID)
- HOTMA Student Financial Assistance Requirements [24 CFR 5.609(b)(9)] added
- Changing from 120% to 110% Fair Market Rent.
Click here to access the 2025 HCV Administrative Plan