Coordinated Entry System
Coordinated entry processes help communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs, to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner.
Coordinated entry changes a CoC from a project-focused system to a person-focused system.
The CoC Program interim rule defines the coordinated entry as a 'centralized or coordinated process designed to coordinate program participant intake assessment and provision of referrals.' [Such a] system covers the [CoC’s] geographic area, is easily accessed by individuals and families seeking housing or services, is well advertised, and includes a comprehensive and standardized assessment tool. (24 CFR part 578.3)
Historically, CoCs allowed each project to develop and implement its admission criteria and processes. Once people were on a project’s waiting list, they were usually served on a first-come, first-served basis without regard to their level of vulnerability. As a result, some program participants received assistance that was either more or less extensive than they needed, and many people received no assistance at all because they were screened out by exclusionary admission criteria or preferences set by the projects.
Now, Coordinated Entry aims to 'orient the community to one or two central prioritizing principles by which the community can make decisions about how to utilize its resources most effectively' (Coordinated Entry Policy Brief, p. 4). These prioritization approaches ensure that across all subpopulations and people with various types of disabilities, those most vulnerable, at the highest risk of continued homelessness, or with the most severe service needs will be prioritized for assistance.
The 2017 Coordinated Entry Notice establishes new requirements for coordinated entry that CoCs and recipients and sub-recipients of CoC Program or ESG Program grants must meet as of January 23, 2018.
Core Elements
The figure above shows how coordinated entry's core elements might relate to one another.
Above material retried from HUD. More details on Core Elements.
Coordinated Entry: Indiana
Click here to access the Coordinated Entry Lead Agency/Regional contact list.