Section 8: Housing Choice Voucher Program
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program comprises the majority of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority's Section 8 rental assistance programs. IHCDA administered vouchers help over 4,000 families pay their rent each month. Eligibility for the Housing Choice Voucher program is based on a family's household income.
The voucher covers a portion of the rent and the tenant is expected to pay the balance. The tenants’ share is an affordable percentage of their income and is generally calculated to be between 30 to 40 percent of their monthly-adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. The HCV program services are provided by Local Subcontracting Agencies throughout the state of Indiana.
Section 8: Performance-Based Contract Administration (PBCA)
Indiana Housing and Community Development currently partners Indiana Quadel (INQ) to oversee owner compliance with Section 8 Performance-Based Contract Administration;totaling more than 30,000 affordable housing units. Indiana Quadel (INQ) is responsible for performing core tasks that ensure the program serves eligible households, that owners comply with contract requirements, and that tenant concerns are promptly addressed. For each property in the states portfolio INQ conducts an annual on-site review, evaluates and approves monthly subsidy vouchers, processes owner requests for rent adjustments and contract renewals, and follows up on resident concerns and deficiencies identified in HUD physical inspections. For more information about this program please contact Indiana Quadel at:
Indiana Quadel Consulting
10 West Market
Suite 1750
Indianapolis, IN 46204
PH 317-656-8808
FX 317-656-8885
Reference Materials
Income Limits
Click here to access HUD's Income Limits
Utility Allowances
The utility allowance schedules are available for use by all Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-D), Rental Housing Tax Credits (RHTC/Section 42), and Section 8 HCV programs funded by Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority.
Click here to access Utility Allowance data
Fair Market Rents & Small Area Fair Market Rents
Click here to access HUD's Fair Market Rents
Click here to access HUD's Small Area Fair Market Rents
Phone (317) 232-7788
Fax (317) 232-1257
Click here for HCO staff contact information