The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) provides funding for essential services, operations, and homeless prevention activities to emergency homeless shelters, transitional housing for the homeless, and day/night homeless shelters. These programs provide basic needs of shelter, food, clothing, and other necessities, and many also provide case management, referrals, rental assistance, and other services to individuals and/or families who are in need of assistance.
2024 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Request for Applications
The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (“IHCDA”) has released three Requests for Applications (RFAs) for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). These RFAs, grant application links and other documentation can be found on the IHCDA Public Notices page here:
Applicant’s proposal must be submitted electronically via the Electronic Application form only, and received by IHCDA no later than October 25, 2024, at 5 PM Eastern Time. Applications received after this date and time will not be considered or accepted. Faxed, emailed, or mailed applications will not be considered or accepted.
This year’s application tool only requires one application for all program types. Please use the following link to apply:
Reference and Training Materials
- HUD Equal Access Rule Training
Important ESG Documents
All ESG related documents, training material and presentations for ESG grantees.