- Healthy Homes Resource Program Application
- Healthy Homes Resource Program Informational Sheet
- Lead Hazard Reduction Program Summary
Lead Hazard Reduction Grant (LHR)The goal for the LHR grant is to identify and remediate lead-based paint in approximately 131 target housing units where children less than six years of age are at greatest risk of lead-poisoning (pre-1960 and especially pre-1940 construction). In combination with lead hazard control, other healthy homes hazards will be addressed in approximately 60 units
Healthy Homes Production Grant (HHP)
The HHP funding will be used to address health and safety of approximately 126 units throughout the State of Indiana with priority given to privately owned, low-income rental and/or owner- occupied housing, especially in units and/or buildings where families with children, older adults sixty-two (62) years and older, or families with persons with disabilities reside in the State of Indiana.. A healthy homes assessment and radon test will be conducted for each unit. A lead inspection/risk assessment will be conducted for pre-1978 units where a child under the age of six resides.
Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Grant (HHWCD)
The HHWCD funding will be used in conjunction with the HHP funding in approximately 68 homes in Marion County to address health and safety hazards in the home which could prevent the home from being weatherized, particularly in cases where those hazards could also be asthma triggers. The program will then coordinate for the local Weatherization Assistance Program provider to complete an energy audit and recommended weatherization/energy efficiency work in the home.