The Floyd County Highway Department is responsible for the repair of all Floyd County bridges and patching of all county roads and highways. The Highway Department paints lines on roads, removes snow and debris from county roads, and is responsible for cutting grass along county roadsides and county highways.
*Please note: The Floyd County Highway Department is responsible for County roads and not for streets within City limits. Please contact the City of New Albany Street Department concerning city streets.
Road and Bridge Maintenance
The Department of Highway and Public Works provides maintenance for 715 lane miles of county roads within its jurisdiction. It also provides maintenance for 88 bridges, 14.4 miles of stormwater drainage pipes, and 915 drainage catch basins.
The department has provided jurisdictional (township) maps to assist residents in determining if their road is within the County’s jurisdictional control. A resident can also call (812) 948-5466 for assistance.
Floyd County Jurisdictional (Township) Maps
- Lafayette Township
- Franklin Township
- Georgetown Township
- Greenville Township
- New Albany Township
- Floyd County Map
The department also maintains a paving and bridge asset management plan. Click on the following links to review the paving asset management plan, paving asset management plan inventory, and bridge asset management plan.
Floyd County’s Priority List for Paving Projects
- Priority One – Minor Arterial, Major Collector, and Minor Collector Roads
- Priority Two – Local Roads rated 4 or below
- Priority Three – Subdivision Roads rated 4 or below
- Priority Four – Local Roads rated 5
- Priority Five – Subdivision Roads rated 5
- 2024 Floyd County Paving Schedule
The department also provides snow removal operations during inclement weather.
Contact Floyd County Highway Department
(812) 923-3041 / (812) 923-6274