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Superior Court 3

Honorable Maria D. Granger is the first judge to preside over Floyd Superior Court 3 created in 2008 under Indiana Code 33-33-22-2 and founded upon fundamental notions of integrity, fairness, and respect for all.  The court has general jurisdiction and regularly decides family, civil and criminal cases. In addition, Judge Granger initiated and is committed to the following grant-funded court improvements.

Problem Solving Courts and Public Safety

  • Veterans Court of Southern Indiana (established 2011) Men and women who served in the armed forces and face a criminal charge can choose Veterans Court and receive recovery and peer support, stable housing and education or employment, military-civilian transition assistance, and accountability for legal trouble with the support of a trained justice, military, and behavioral health team.
  • Commercial Court Judge (established 2016) Business cases are managed with greater efficiency, less expense and judicial expertise with the aim of positive economic development and quality employment to our citizens.
  • Floyd County Family H.O.P.E. Court (established 2019) Mothers and fathers separated from their children gain H.O.P.E “Healing, Opportunity, Perseverance and Empowerment” and strive to live a life in recovery with purpose, good health, self-love, and commitment to their family.

Public Access and Public Safety

  • Intensive Probation Supervision (established 2015) Improved probation policy in response to the opiate epidemic and mental health and substance abuse treatment, and supportive rehabilitation through immediate rewards and sanctions.
  • Families Matter Triage and Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs (established 2021) Enhanced court access for unrepresented family members to better navigate the complex court process, resolve cases quicker, improve outcomes and adherence to court orders and address underlying problems (i.e.) addiction or violence.

About Judge Maria D. Granger


  • September 2023 to current – Indiana Judicial Conference Strategic Planning Committee member
  • November 2021 to current – Supervising Judge, Families Matter Navigation and Triage Program
  • September 2021 to September 2023 – Indiana Judicial Conference Community Relations Committee chairperson and member
  • July 2021 to December 2022 – Indiana Supreme Court Equity and Access Commission member
  • June 2019 to current – Supervising Judge, Floyd County Family H.O.P.E. Court
  • January 2016 to current – Indiana Commercial Court Judge, appointed by Indiana Supreme Court
  • January 2013 to January 2017 Indiana Humanities Board of Directors
  • November 2011 to current – Supervising Judge, Veterans court of Southern Indiana
  • January 2010 to December 2016 – Indiana Judicial Conference Jury Committee and Civil Instructions Committee member
  • January 2010 to December 2015 – Indiana Judicial Conference Board of Directors
  • January 2009 to current – Floyd Superior Court 3 Judge
  • January 2005 to December 2009 – Title IV-D Referee
  • Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 – Adjunct Professor, Indiana University Southeast
  • August 2000 to December 2009 – Attorney in general practice
  • May 1995 to August 2000 – Attorney for the Floyd County Office of Family and Children and – Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Clark and Floyd Counties
  • October 1994 – Admitted to law practice, Indiana Supreme Court and U.S. District Court, Northern and Southern Districts


  • September 20112 – Indiana Judicial college Graduate
  • May 1994 – Doctorate of Jurisprudence, IU McKinney School of Law
  • December 1990 – Bachelor of Science, Indiana University
  • Judge Granger speaks to community groups about the courts, law and ethics, and the legal system.  She also serves as faculty for the Indiana Judicial Conference and has taught course for Indiana judges, legislators, lawyers, journalists, historians, and court staff.

Judge Granger has been recognized

  • 2023 Recognized by the Chief Justice of Indiana Loretta H. Rush in the State of the Judicial Address to the Indiana General Assembly for the growth of Problem-solving Courts
  • 2022 IU Southeast Chancellor’s Medallion Award
  • 2022 William C. Cochran Award
  • 2019 Personal Counseling Services, Alice and Richard Schleicher Individual Award
  • 2019 Recognition and Appreciation by New Albany Mayor Jeff Gahan for commitment to Veterans in the community
  • 2017 Humanitarian of the Year, Bales Red Cross
  • 2016 Special guest of Senator Joe Donnelly for State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama for pioneering the development of Veterans Courts in Indiana
  • 2016 Public Interest Award, IUPUI McKinney School of Law
  • 2016 Indiana Bar Foundation Director
  • 2015 Recognized by the Chief Justice of Indiana Loretta H. Rush in the State of the Judiciary Address to the Indiana General Assembly for establishing Veterans Court and promoting the Constitutional promise of reformative justice in Indiana
  • 2015 American Law Institute, elected member
  • 2015 Chairman’s Award, LifeSprings
  • 2014 Recognized for Serving America’s Veterans, Commander in Chief, William A. Thien, Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • 2014 Public Service Award, The Center for Women and Families
  • 2014 Recognition, NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet
  • 2012 Recognized by the Chief Justic of Indiana Randall T. Shepard for commitment to higher education and ensuring justice for Indiana citizens
  • 2010 Certificate of Appreciation by Indiana Supreme Court, Indiana Conference on Legal Education Opportunity
  • 2008 Earl T. Shinhoster Award Indiana NAACP
  • 2006 Woman of Achievement, Business and Professional Women

Judge Granger is a member of judicial organizations

  • American Law Institute
  • Indiana Commercial Court Working Group
  • Strategic Planning Committee of the Indiana Judicial Conference
  • Military Veterans Affairs Committee, Indiana State Bar Association
  • Indiana Judges Association
  • American Judicature Society
  • American Bar Association
  • Indiana State Bar Association
  • Floyd County Bar Association

Online Payments

PayGov.US provides online payment and reporting services to Floyd County Government. To make an online payment for court costs please click the link below.

Should you need information for the required fields you may call the Floyd County Clerk's Office at 812-948-5411, Mon - Fri., 8:00 am - 4:00 pm or click here to perform an online court case search.

DISCLAIMER: Payments will not be processed until funds are received by the county.

Click here to make an online payment for court costs

Clerk's Office

Court costs may be paid in the Floyd County Clerk's Office during regular office hours (Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm). The Floyd County Clerk's Office is located on the 2nd floor of the City/County Building.

Families Matter Triage Program Overview (Summer 2024 Pilot)

Please read carefully


We are pleased to serve you in our Families Matter Triage Program (FMTP). The FMTP is a product of a collaboration between Floyd County Superior Court 3 and University of Illinois at Chicago’s CAPACITY Lab. The main goal of the FMTP is to support you in the divorce and child support legal process. We know that navigating the law is hard without an attorney. Our program is designed to help connect you to services and resources that will help you get your case resolved faster.

FMTP Services

As part of the program, a Legal Navigator will discuss a range of topics such as your plan for parenting time, child support, finances, and more. The Legal Navigator will learn more about the levels of agreement or disagreement on these topics. Given the Legal Navigator is an employee of the court, everything you say to them will become part of the court record and will be shared with the Judge.

The Judge will ultimately make a decision regarding the next steps in your case. The Judge may determine that a case needs the help of a family mediator. Family mediators are a neutral party and helpful for instances when both parties are not in full agreement on a range of topics in a divorce or child support cases. The goal of mediation is to assist both parties in coming to an agreement without waiting for a Judge to decide. If you decide to participate in the FMTP and the Judge determines that a family mediation is the right service for your case, in most cases, you will be granted a low-cost Mediator. The Judge may determine that a hearing is most appropriate for your case. If you decide to participate in the FMTP, these hearings will be expedited to resolve your case as quickly as possible.

Participant Rights

By participating in the FMTP, your case will be resolved in an expedited and fair manner. You will also receive access to free and low-cost services to help you resolve your case and support your family. The FMTP Conference will take up to an hour. The services recommended to you through the FMTP are voluntary, though strongly encouraged unless ordered by the Judge. Time commitments for the services will depend on the services provided to you. We will inform you of time commitments as services are offered. Your participation in the program will not affect the outcome of your proceedings in any way. Should you wish to opt out of the FMTP, you must file a notice with the court before the mandatory conference.  Should you choose not to participate in FMTP, you would be responsible for completing the Dissolution of Marriage on your own or obtaining your own legal counsel to complete the process and will not be able to rely on FMTP assistance. By attending the mandatory conference, you are automatically enrolled in this program.


The FMTP program complies with state and federal laws as well as professional ethical codes regulating confidentiality. Parties’ personal information will not be shared outside of this program unless they are documented court records which will be publicly available.

Limits of Confidentiality

All Legal Navigators and other members of FMTP are mandated reporters; therefore, confidentiality must be waived under the following conditions:

  1. If the navigator believes that a party is at risk of harming oneself or anyone else;
  2. If the navigator believes that a child is at risk of being neglected or abused; or
  3. If the navigator believes that an elder or an adult with disability is being neglected, abused, or financially exploited.

Subpoena Laws

No party shall attempt to subpoena any testimony or records of the FMTP for a disposition or a court hearing of any kind for any reason.

Parties Must Verbally Agree to the Following to Proceed with the FMTP:

☐ Parties understand that the Families Matter Triage Program (FMTP) is voluntary and that they may withdraw participation prior to the mandatory conference by filing notice with the court. Once in the FMTP, services recommended by program staff are voluntary, though strongly encouraged unless ordered by the Judge.

☐ Parties have had sufficient time to consider the above information and ask necessary questions.

☐ Parties understand the social service processes, their rights, the expectations, and the limits to confidentiality of participation.

☐ Parties understand the obligation to attend meetings/sessions to the best of their abilities, talk openly and honestly with their Legal Navigator, and provide feedback about how the services are working for them.

☐ Parties agree to not subpoena any testimony or records of the FMTP for a disposition or a court hearing of any kind for any reason including after completion or withdrawal of program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Maria D. Granger – Judge, Superior Court 3

Samantha Griffin

Court Administrator Professional

Alyssa Duncan

Court Administrator Professional

Amber Poe

Court Reporter/Veterans Court Intake

Darla Weathers

Court Administrator Professional

Contact Information

Floyd County Superior Court 3
311 Hauss Square, Room 421
New Albany, IN 47150
Phone: (812) 948-5257
Fax: (812) 948-5266
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed for Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Veterans Court: Every Tuesday at 8:30 am