- Floyd County
- Department
- Current: Stormwater
Floyd County is required, by the 1987 Clean Water Act, to obtain a permit through IDEM (Indiana Department of Environmental Management) to enter into an MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) program that follows EPA’s Phase II of the NPDES standards for clean water. The permit requires Floyd County to develop a stormwater management plan and to implement best management practices (stormwater pollution prevention measures). This unfunded mandate has 6 (six) minimum control measures that must be incorporated into our management plan. Ordinances were written to include these standards and created a Stormwater Board that became the executor of these regulations. Please view the Floyd County Ordinances and the Stormwater Management Plan.
Download the Stormwater Department MS4 Program Overview Powerpoint Presentation (pptx)
In conjunction with IDEM and EPA regulations, Floyd County must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) Public Notice for our new MS4 permit. In 2022 IDEM and the EPA are requiring Floyd County to submit for a new permit since Indiana is now under a permit-by-rule state. For more information about IDEM and EPA please go to their websites. You can find links to them in our additional tab.
Floyd County (2524 Corydon Pike, New Albany, IN 47150) intends to discharge stormwater into the Headwaters Buck Creek (HUC 051401040201), Little Indian creek-Indian Creek (HUC 051401040301), Little Indian Creek (HUC 051401040302), Jersey Park Creek - Indian Creek (HUC 051401040303), Richland Creek-Indian Creek (HUC 051401040304), Corn Creek-Indian Creek (HUC 051401040401), Town of Lanesville-Little Indian Creek (HUC 051401040402), Bear Creek (HUC 051401040603) Muddy Fork-Elk Run (HUC 051401010703), Knob (HUC 051401010905), Silver Creek-Pleasant Run (HUC 051401010805), Jacobs Creek-Silver Creek (HUC 051401010806), Fall Run-Ohio River (HUC 051401010904) watersheds, and is submitting a Notice of Intent to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of the MS4 entity's intent to comply with the requirements of the Indiana MS4 General Permit (INR040000) to discharge stormwater run-off.
- 2022 Annual Report (Signed)
- 2023 Annual Report (Signed)
- 2024 Annual Report
Floyd County Water Quality Characterization Report was completed in March of 2023
This water quality assessment report is intended to accompany the Stormwater Advisory Committee (SWAC) Water Quality Characterization Report (WQCR). This component if the WQCR contains information specific to Floyd County as a method for further analyzing water quality within the MS4 boundaries, and using that information to guide their MS4 program as they begin implementing the Indiana <S4 General Permit (INR040000) and Indiana Construction General Permit (INRA00000).
Floyd County Stormwater Quality Management Plan
Floyd County is required to develop a stormwater quality management plan (SWQMP) for the purpose of reducing the discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) . Since the MS4 program deal with non-point source pollution, the activities involve Best Management Practices (BMP's) to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff through the use of known, available, and reasonable methods while meeting the requirements of the MS4 General Permit. The use of BMP's is an iterative process which will be evaluated continually and adjusted to meet the needs of the community while remaining in compliance.
The SWQMP is a planning tool which defines how the MS4 Program will be administered. While it is not the MS4 permit itself, it is a planning tool for managing the activities required by the permit. The Stormwater Management Plan must address the six (6) Minimum Control Meaasures (MCM's) .
Floyd County Ordinances
Floyd County has adopted a new ordinance to help with drainage maintenance standards and control. These standards should help everyone know what they can and cannot do in pre-approved drainage easements inside of Floyd County’s MS4 jurisdiction. This ordinance will protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of persons within the County by improving Stormwater drainage. If you have questions pertaining to this ordinance or other Stormwater related questions please feel free to contact our office during normal business hours.
- Floyd County Resolution FCR2004-21 - Resolution Approving Amendments to Zoning Ordinance
- Floyd County Ordinance FCO2007-5 - Authorizing & Establishing Stormwater Dept
- Floyd County Ordinance FCO2021-30 - Authorizing & Establishing Stormwater Management Fees
- Floyd County Ordinance FCO2013-4 - Ordinance Establishing Stormwater Drainage Maintenance Standards
Floyd County Ordinance:
The Floyd County Commissioners have approved FCO 2024-27 Revised Stormwater Ordinance, as posted in the February 28th, 2025, edition of the News and Tribune.
You can view it below.
Floyd County Stormwater Department Quality Management Permit Application
If you or your company is participating in land disturbing activities that involve more than one (1) acre then you are required to apply for a Quality Management Permit. Applications can be picked up in person at 2524 Corydon Pike Suite 201 Stormwater Department. If you are unsure if you need to apply, please call the Floyd County Stormwater Director, Chris Moore 812-949-5446.
Floyd County Stormwater Design Manual
Floyd County has updated its standards when it comes to designing new infrastructure with the adoption of the November 2020 Stormwater Design Manual. The last manual was created in December of 2012 and as the years have passed new and better designs have come about and Floyd County recognized that the need to update the design manual was necessary. If you are developing a piece of land within the County’s MS4 area you will need to use this manual as your tool when it comes to putting in Stormwater facilities. We provide this to you online so you can download it and have a digital copy on your computer. If you would like a paper copy you may call us for that information. We hope this user-friendly manual is a helpful guide as to what is needed and expected when it comes to your development. If you have questions about this manual or other Stormwater related questions please feel free to contact our office anytime during normal business hours.
View the Floyd County Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Design Manual
In 2005, Floyd County was given an unfunded mandate from IDEM and the US EPA to manage and oversee Stormwater runoff within our county. In 2007, Floyd County installed a user fee to cover costs associated with this unfunded mandate. Floyd County, with the help of our citizens, created a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) in 2007, which studied how funding would evolve over time. With the recommendation from the CAC, Floyd County Officials went to an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) approach to funding. With Residential staying at a flat rate of $3.25 per month, other land uses were based on the amount of impervious surface each parcel contained. Each ERU was charged $3.25 per month. To help with this financial responsibility, Floyd County Officials set up a credit system. Below you can find links to information about credits and how to obtain them.
- 2022 Stormwater Credit Overview (pdf)
- 2022 Credit Application (Fillable)
- 2022 Stormwater Affidavit Form (Fillable)
- 2023 Floyd County Billing Memo
- 2024 Floyd County Billing Memo
- 2025 Floyd County Billing Memo
2024 Monthly Maintenance Logs
2025 Maintenance Logs
New Albany Township Master Plan
The Floyd County Stormwater Department would like to announce the completion of the New Albany Township Master Plan when it comes to stormwater. The Stormwater Board retained the services of Heritage Engineering to develop a comprehensive stormwater study for the approximate area bounded by Grant Line Road, Charlestown Road, Interstate 265, and the Floyd County line. This report summarizes the results of the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, as well as field inspection analysis of the customer service requests from 2010 to 2013 for the study area.
Disclaimer: The Floyd County Stormwater Department with the help of Heritage Engineering has completed a stormwater master plan for the New Albany Township inside of Floyd County’s MS4 jurisdiction. This document is solely meant to be a guide for future planning and design of new infrastructure within this area. This document shall be considered a reference document and utilized in conjunction with the New Albany and Floyd County Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Design Manual in any future improvement projects. No timeline or set projects are to be construed from this document. All issues outlined in this document shall require approval by the Floyd County Stormwater Board and its representatives. Questions about this and other Stormwater activities should be addressed to the Floyd County Stormwater Director (Mr. Chris Moore at 812-949-5446 or
Yes, I have read the disclaimer. Please show me the New Albany Township Planning Guide
Please click on the link below to review our budget histories. Please be patient while downloading the large files.
2025 Stormwater Department Board Meetings
Stormwater Department Board Meetings are open to the public.
Where: Commissioners Conference Room #104, Pine View Government Center
When: Meetings begin at 4:30 PM
- January 7th
- February 4th
- March 4th
- April 1st
- May 6th
- June 3rd
- July 1st
- August 5th
- September 2nd
- October 7th
- November 4th
- December 2nd
Stormwater Meeting Agenda's
2025 Agenda's
- January
- Stormwater Board Agenda Organizational Meeting (No Meeting Occurred due to Inclement weather)
- Stormwater Board Meeting 1-7-25 (No meeting occurred due to inclement weather)
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Stormwater Meeting Minutes
2024 Minutes
- January
- February
- March
- April (No Meeting Was Held)
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October (No Meeting Was Held)
- November
- December
2025 Minutes
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Stormwater doesn’t just affect grownups, but kids are also impacted by poor water quality. From not being able to swim in a local watering hole or not being allowed to go fishing because of poor conditions. Kids are helpful in reminding us how important clean stormwater is to kids of all ages. Education doesn’t always have to be boring, so here are a couple of websites that the kids might enjoy.
Floyd County Stormwater is responsible for all non–jurisdiction areas of Floyd County. Floyd County Stormwater Department will come to your site for any drainage issues or concerns that are within an easement that has approval from Floyd County. Please contact Floyd County Stormwater with any other questions or concerns.
For additional information about the Floyd County Stormwater Department. Please visit the following websites!
- Urban Forest Connection to Water Quality
- On-Site Evaluation for Erosion and Sediment Control
- Storm Water Quality Management Application Permit Form
- Floyd County Soil Water Conservation
- Southern Indiana Stormwater Advisory Committee
- Indiana Department of Environmental Management
- Nutrient Pollution - What you can do
Here is some Public Outreach Material you might be interested in...
Brochure on Native Vegetation
Brochure on Easements
Office Staff
Chris Moore
Karalynn Flora
GIS Tech
Contact Information
Floyd County Stormwater Department
Pine View Government Center
2524 Corydon Pike, Suite #201
New Albany, IN 47150
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: (812) 949-5446
Illicit Discharge Hotline: (812) 542-3057