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GIS Office Information


Here is a small sample of what Floyd County GIS does…

Develop and maintain County infrastructure inventories, election-related mapping, road inventories, Right of Way, and Property inventories

Develop and implements Countywide and departmental GIS functions, services, policies, and strategies and  implement standards and procedures for GIS databases, base maps, enhanced public data options and platforms for public and County offices

Develop and maintain with the vendor for a fee-based GIS public parcel domain including functions, maps, services, and policies including performing various studies for various departments to define problems, and determine methods to develop GIS applications to facilitate ease of use, including desktop applications and mobile web applications

Maintain and administer applicable GIS  computer systems files.


Floyd County began using GIS in 2006 when they purchased 2 ArcView 9.2 (ESRI Software)Licenses. Mainly used by the Engineering and Planners Office GIS was quickly becoming a necessity for both offices. In 2007 GIS was used to update parcels to the “new” parcel coding system that the State of Indiana mandated. In 2008 GIS was used to maintain parcels (along with updating the paper maps) of land splits and transfers. In 2010, GIS was the only system used to update parcel transfers and splits, paper maps were no longer being updated. In 2012 Floyd County entered into an agreement with 39 Degrees North and started providing GIS information online.


Map graphic and text data in a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) are representations or copies of original data sources and are provided to users as is with no expressed or implied warranty of accuracy, quality, or completeness for any specific purpose or use. These data do not replace or modify site surveys, deeds, and other conveyances; original and as-built engineering plans; and other drawings and/ or legal documents that establish land ownership, land use, or on-site structure location. Please contact your local officials for additional information regarding specific data sets.


Here are links to Floyd County's Online Data
Floyd County Jurisdictional (Township) Maps
Floyd County ESRI Solutions of Interest

Floyd County using ESRI Software has created some interactive and resourceful hub sites to provide you the most current, relevant and reliable information possible. These sites help Floyd County remain transparent with the services we provide.

Below are a few sites that may be of interest:

Using ESRI Product Solutions, Floyd County along with our partner OHM Advisors created a Citizen Reporter where if a citizen sees an issue with roads, parks, planning and zoning they can report these issues in the reporter instead of waiting for a call back or during times offices are closed.

To access this reporter, click on the link below:

Floyd County Citizen Reporter

Online GIS

Floyd County does have an online option to view County GIS data. You can get limited data free from our online provider. Here is a link to the site If you want more in-depth data you must register with the site. There is a subscription cost to view this extra data. Here is a list of billing options.

  • $7.50 per day
  • $15.00 per month
  • $125.00 per year

Floyd County does have free access terminals at the Floyd County Library Branches (Downtown, Galena) and at the City-County Building (Assessor and Recorders Offices)

Office Staff

Chris Moore


Karalynn Flora

GIS Tech

Contact Information

Floyd County Stormwater Department
Pine View Government Center
2524 Corydon Pike, Suite #201
New Albany IN 47150
Phone: (812) 949-5446
Office Hours: Monday-Friday | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm