Review how a tax bill is calculated and what is shown on your bill.
The Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF), in partnership with the Indiana Business Research Center (IBRC) at Indiana University, created the below tax bill projection tools for Indiana taxpayers. These tools will allow the taxpayer to enter their property's assessed value and possible deductions to see a range of tax bill estimates.
The estimates provided by these tools are projections only and should not be taken as a statement of true tax liability.
The information in the Assessed Value database is a public record and available through public information requests. The Department of Local Government Finance has compiled this information in an easy-to-use format to assist Hoosiers in obtaining information about property taxes.
The Department of Local Government Finance has tools available on its website to better keep taxpayers informed about property taxes and assessments on homes. One of these tools is a sales disclosure search, which allows you to search properties in any Indiana county and see the sales price during a specific calendar year. You can either look by specific property address or using general street information. This information is also used by real estate professionals to compare similar properties to determine fair selling prices.
The budget order is a critical document in calculating tax bills. The order contains the state's certification of the approved budget, the certified net assessed value, the tax rate and the levy for each fund of each taxing unit in a county. The order also gives the total tax rate for each taxing district.
View the Certified Floyd County Budget Orders as listed on the Indiana Transparency Portal
Audit Reports issued by the Indiana State Board of Accounts
For more information on County Adjusted Gross Income Tax (CAGIT), County Economic Development Income Tax (CEDIT), and County Option Income Tax (COIT) distributions please click on the link below.
The Indiana Transparency Portal provides statistical information about the finances of our state.