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The Floyd County Surveyor's Office does not conduct private surveys.  

Please use the listing below to locate a local surveyor.

Floyd County Local Land Surveyor Listing

**NEW**  We are pleased to introduce two new web maps designed to support your research needs.

Surveys and tie sheets:

Historical plat book pages:

What We Do

The Floyd County Surveyor maintains Section corner records and maintains the Legal Survey Record Book. Also, a searchable file of recorded surveys is maintained, and copies of recorded subdivision plats are kept on file. The County Surveyor also has copies of Flood Maps for review by the public.

The County Surveyor serves as an ex-officio member of the County Stormwater Board and the County Plan Commission.

Obligations of a County Surveyor in the State of Indiana follow Indiana Code - County Surveyor (Indiana Code 36-2-12 Chapter 12)

Section Corner Perpetuation

The Floyd County Surveyor is tasked with finding section corner stones/monuments/pins, referencing them by measurements to nearby structures, and marking the location of the section corner at the surface. The County Surveyor must maintain a corner record book showing original government section corners, and is required to establish, locate, and reference at least 5% of the corners each year.

Indiana Code 36-2-12-11 mandates that section corners must be preserved and perpetuated by county surveyors to ensure landowners' rights and the integrity of property boundaries.

2025 Road Maps


All forms must be submitted to or in person at the Floyd County Surveyor Office. Please allow 2-3 days for processing.

Floyd County Junior Land Surveyor Program

Welcome to the Floyd County Junior Land Surveyor Program! A fun and exciting way for preschool and early education children to learn about land surveying. Learn cool skills like creating your own map and new geography/survey sight words. Join the program today and become an honorary Junior Land Surveyor!

Floyd County Junior Land Surveyor Program Packet
Program Packet Includes:

  • Fillable Jr. Surveyor Activity Map
  • Book List
  • Two Land Surveying related worksheets

ex. of Junior Surveyor Badge
Floyd Co. Junior Surveyor Honorary Badge

Complete and Submit the Jr. Surveyor Activity Map via e-mail, or in person at our office location.

When submitting Activity Maps via e-mail please include: Parent/Guardian Name, Phone Number, and E-mail address so that we may notify you that your map has been received. Honorary Jr. Surveyor badges are only available for pickup at the Floyd Co. Surveyor office.

Surrounding County Surveyors sites

Benchmark and geodetic information sources

Land resource information

Frequently Asked Questions

Floyd County Surveyor Office Printing Fee Schedule

The Floyd County Surveyor's office can provide digital copies of legal survey and county land survey data by e-mail.

Plats Maps - Surveys - GIS/Mapping - Flood Maps - Document Copies

Paper TypePaper SizeFee
Letter(Color Copies $0.25)8.5"x11"$0.10
Legal(Color Copies $0.25)8.5"x14"$0.10
Tabloid/Ledger 11"x17"$0.50
Arch C 18"x24"$11.00
Arch D 24"x36"$15.00

*Fees are priced per Indiana Code, IC 5-14-3-8 Fees: Sec. 8.d.2  **Office printing fees amended under OrdianceNo.2024-03

John G. Brinkworth, III.


Candace Howell

Chief Deputy

Contact Information

Floyd County Surveyor
311 Hauss Square, Room 122
New Albany, IN 47150
: (812) 948-5490                                           Please note:  The Floyd County Surveyor's Office does not conduct private surveys.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm