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Requests for Proposals Archive

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) (FY 2025-2027)
2024 CAC RFP

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical abuse.   These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand-alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency provides counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.

Deadline for Submission of Proposal: July 10, 2024 at 3 PM EDT


DCS Adoption Recruitment  Services RFP

Award Recommendation

This is a Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). This RFP requests responses from potential contractors with experience in providing a continuum of services to identify families open to adopting children from hard places or other similar services. Indiana Code 31-19-27-1 Program to Place Hard-to-Place Children requires that department carry out a program to place hard-to-place children in suitable adoptive homes in cases in which restoration to the biological family is not possible or appropriate. To that end, the department is seeking a contract to provide a full continuum of Adoption Recruitment Services in Indiana.  Service must be offered statewide. The Contractor shall provide services as a part of the Full-Continuum Adoption Recruitment Services, meaning that these services shall be provided before, during, and up until the finalization of an adoption.

Deadline for submission is December 1, 2023 at 3 p.m. ET.

RFP ADOPT-2023 Adoption Recruitment Services Boilerplate

Attachment A: Adoption Recruitment Services Sample Contract

Attachment B: Business Proposal Template

Attachment C: Technical Proposal Template

Attachment D: Question & Answer Template
Q&A Responses 
11/6/2023 Additional Q&A Responses 

Attachment E – Region Map

Attachment I – Cost Proposal Template

DCS Workforce Stabilization Request For Funding (RFF)

2023 Workforce Stabilization Grant  Awardees

The DCS Workforce Stabilization Request For Funding (RFF) is being issued by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to provide funding to help support the development and stabilization of the workforce in organizations under contract with DCS to provide services to Indiana children and families. The child services workforce stabilization fund allows the Department of Child Services to provide grants to child services providers to support increased wages for direct-care staff.  Grant awardees will receive funds prior to December 31, 2023 and must be spent by June 30, 2025.

Any additional questions may be submitted per the instructions in the Grant Application and FAQ document, no later than Friday August 4, 2023.

Deadline for submission is 08/18/2023 at 4:00PM EST

DCS Workforce Stabilization Grant Guidance & FAQ (Revised)
DCS Workforce Stabilization Grant Form
DCS Workforce Stabilization Grant Budget Form 2023 (Revised)

Education and Training Voucher and College Dorm Placement Program

The Department of Child Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for the administration of the Education and Training Voucher and College Dorm Placement Program (ETV and College Dorm Program). The goal of the ETV to provide pass through funding to eligible youth foster youth who are attending an accredit post-secondary institution or educational training program based on the cost of attendance. The goal of the College Dorm program is to provide financial support to foster youth under the care and supervision of DCS who are placed in a college dorm setting.

The purpose of the RFP is to select a vendor/provider that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of the ETV and College Dorm program in all 18 regions and corresponding 92 local offices in the State.

Deadline for submission is May 19, 2023 at 4 p.m. ET.

Education and Training Voucher & College Dorm Placement RFP

Attachment A: ETV and College Dorm Placement Service Standards
Attachment B: Business Proposal Template
Attachment C: ETV Technical Proposal
Attachment D: Cost Proposal Template
Attachment E: ETV Sample Contract
Attachment F: ETV and College Dorm Per Diem Q&A Template  
Q& A Responses
Attachment G: Assurances
Attachment H: Background Check and Sample Spreadsheet
Attachment I: Federal Selected Disallowed Expenses
Attachment J: Principles of Child Welfare Services
Attachment K: ETV Federal Reporting Format
Attachment L: Determining Education and Training Voucher Disbursements

Education and Training Voucher & College Dorm Placement RFP Addendum 1 (Added 4/25/2023)
ETV and College Dorm Per Diem Pre-Proposal Conference PPT Presentation 2003
Official ETV and College Dorm Per Diem Pre-Proposal Conference Attendee Sheet

DCS Adoption Recruitment Services (RFI)

The DCS Adoption Recruitment Services (RFI) is being issued by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to request for creative, innovative solutions or services to improve, enhance, and develop new recruitment initiatives, particularly as they relate to locating adoptive parents who are willing to adopt youth with challenges related to their mental health, emotional health, physical health, and behavioral health.

Questions may be submitted per the instructions in the RFI document, no later than April 17, 2023 utilizing Attachment B.

Deadline for submission is May 5th 2023 by 3 p.m. ET.

RFI 23-001 Adoption Recruitment Services Boilerplate

Attachment A:  RFI 23-0001 Response Template
Attachment B: Q & A Template RFI 23-0001

Q and A Responses 4-21-23

Community Mental Health Centers

ATTENTION CURRENT COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS:  ALL CMHC contracts expire 6/30/2023.  If you wish to continue providing services, you MUST propose for a service contract through the open RFP.  This is separate from any Community Based or Family Preservation contract you may have.

The purpose of this RFP is to select Certified Community Mental Health Centers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of a comprehensive array of child welfare services to all 18 regions and the corresponding 92 local offices in the State.

Proposals Due Tuesday, April 14, 2023.

DCS Foster Care Recruitment (RFF)

The DCS Foster Care Recruitment (RFF) is being issued by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to provide funding for DCS Contracted Licensed Child Placing Agencies (LCPAs) to improve, enhance, and develop new recruitment initiatives, particularly as they may relate to locating foster parents who are willing to foster youth with challenges related to their mental health, emotional health, physical health, and behavioral health. Grant awardees will receive funds prior to June 30, 2023 and must be spent by June 30, 2024.

Any additional questions may be submitted per the instructions in the Grant Application and FAQ document, no later than December 16, 2022.

Deadline for submission is 1/20/2022 at 4:00PM EST

Attachment A: Foster Care Recruitment Grant Application and FAQ
Attachment B: Foster Care Recruitment Application Form

Grant Awardees

National Youth in Transition Database Youth Outcomes Survey and Outreach Youth Engagement Services RFP

The Department of Child Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for the administration of the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) outcomes surveys for the 19- and 21-year-old follow-up population and to disburse incentives for youth who completed the NYTD outcomes survey at age 17, 19 and 21. Administration of the NYTD outcomes survey is a requirement under the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood (The Chafee Program). To meet the federal reporting requirements, DCS has chosen to contract with a vendor who has the ability and capacity to administer statewide surveys, data collection, disburse incentives, and engage current and former foster youth in statewide outreach services during and between the report period.

Deadline for Submission: 10/29/2021 at 3 p.m. EDT.

National Youth in Transition Database Pre-Proposal Conference

DCS CARES Act Request for Funding (RFF) – Second Round 

This is the second DCS CARES Act Request for Funding (RFF) that is being issued by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to provide economic assistance to eligible providers impacted by COVID-19. The goal of this RFF is to provide funding, via the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), to eligible providers to reimburse expenditures that have incurred due to COVID-19 while delivering high quality child welfare services in the state of Indiana. This RFF requests responses from eligible providers that have experienced expenditures incurred due to COVID-19 to meet the needs of children receiving their services between the dates of March 6, 2020 through November 30, 2020.

Please note that providers that received funding from the first CARES Act RFF #10000186 are eligible for this second round RFF. However, these providers cannot request funds for any line items awarded for reimbursement via CARES Act RFF #10000186.

This RFF is open to current DCS Licensed Child Placement Agencies (LCPAs), community-based (including Child Advocacy Centers), and residential child welfare providers in Indiana. Providers meeting the eligibility criteria specified in the RFF may apply.

Apply at:

Deadline for Submission: 12/15/2020 at 3 PM EST

An optional online webinar will be held on December 3, 2020 at 12 p.m. ET. The webinar can be accessed via All applicants should sign in as a guest using their name. The webinar audio will be part of the online program, so webinar participants will need to use speakers or headphones to hear the presentation. Space is limited, and the State kindly requests that only one computer per location be used to log-on to the webinar so all interested applicants may join. 

Prior to the webinar, participants can go to: to test their connection. This will prompt the user with any needed updates or add-ins.  Do not log into the webinar using Citrix or Virtual Private Network (VPN). These services will not be able to playback audio.  Download the AdobeConect app if you wish to login using your mobile device. 

Deadline to submit written questions (Attachment B) to is December 3, 2020 at 3 PM ET

DCS CARES Act Request for Funding (RFF)

The DCS CARES Act Request for Funding (RFF) is being issued by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to provide economic assistance to eligible providers impacted by COVID-19. The goal of this RFF is to provide funding, via the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), to eligible providers to reimburse expenditures that have incurred due to COVID-19 while delivering high quality child welfare services in the state of Indiana. This RFF requests responses from eligible providers that have experienced expenditures incurred due to COVID-19 to meet the needs of children receiving their services. This RFF is open to current DCS Licensed Child Placement Agencies (LCPAs), community-based (including Child Advocacy Centers), and residential child welfare providers in Indiana. Providers meeting the eligibility criteria specified in the RFF may apply.

Apply at:

Deadline for Submission: 11/5/2020 at 3 PM EST

An  online webinar was held on October 15, 2020 at 3 p.m. ET.  You can view the webinar recording and accompanying presentation here:
Webinar Presentation

Question and Answers: Answers to Bidder Questions

CARES Act RFF Addendum 1 Added 10/22/2020

CARES Act RFF Addendum 2 Added 11/2/2020

CARES Act RFF Boilerplate Updated 10/22/2020

Attachment A: Risk Assessment Form

Attachment B: Q&A Template

Attachment C: Provider Attestation

Attachment D: Grant Budget Proposal Updated 11/2/2020

Attachment E: Sample Grant Agreement

Attachment F: Intent to Respond Form

Attachment G: KidTraks User Guide

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) Limited County RFP (FY 2021-2023)

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical
abuse.   These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand-alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency providers counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.


Child Advocacy Center (CAC) (FY 2021-2023)

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical
abuse.   These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand-alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency providers counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.


Healthy Families Indiana RFP

The purpose of this RFP is to select Healthy Families Indiana (HFI) vendors/providers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of prevention services to all 92 counties, in accordance with the State Plan. HFI is a voluntary program designed to promote healthy families and healthy children through a variety of services. Agencies must be in compliance with local and state requirements, as well as, be nationally accredited with Healthy Families America.

A Pre-Proposal Conference was held on March 9, 2020, from 9-10:30 a.m. Eastern at the Indiana Government Center CR 22.

Apply at:

Please note: The deadline for submissions for this RFP has been extended until Friday, April 17, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern.

Answeres to vendors' questions: Questions and Answers

The following clarifications are provided by the State for the Healthy Families Indiana RFP #10000183:

  • For program statistics requested in Attachment L - Actual Cost Report, Respondents should include the best information available to them. The State does not require information to be pulled from any specific database. During the rate development period, the State may reach out to select Respondents to clarify program statistics if necessary.
  • When filling out an application in KidTraks, the rate for Home Visiting and Assessment show as $0.00. Providers do not need to enter a rate into this section.
  • When filling out an application in KidTraks, please submit Attachment K - Budget Worksheet for both the attachment labeled budget and proposal budget.

Click on the link to access the document:

Family Preservation

The Department of Child Services (DCS), is seeking proposals for the administration of Family Preservation Services. The purpose of this RFP is to select vendors that can satisfy DCS’ need for the provision of statewide administration of services for in-home CHINS and Informal Adjustment cases. Contracts awarded through this RFP are effective from 06/01/2020 through 06/30/2021 and will use a per-diem model for reimbursement for these Family Preservation Services.

Proposal Due Friday, 02/21/2020 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Apply at:

Deadline to submit electronic (Attachment I) questions to Monday, January 13, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Family Preservation RFP Addendum 2

Family Preservation RFP Addendum 1 - Updated 1/24/2020

Family Preservation RFP QA - (1.24.20) vFinal
2020-01-24 Analysis of Concrete Services

Family Preservation Pre-Proposal Conference RFP January 8, 2020:

Submission of Proposals due Friday, February 21, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Click on the link to access the document:

Older Youth Services Summary for RFP Posting 2019

Proposal Due Date: Monday, February 3, 2020 by 3:00 PM Eastern Time.

The Department of Child Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for the administration of the Older Youth Services (OYS). The goal of OYS is to provide independent living instructional and experiential learning to youth in foster care and to provide transitional services to through who have or who are expected to age out of foster care.

The purpose of the RFP is to select vendors/providers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of Chafee Independent Living Services, Chafee Voluntary Independent Living Services and Extended Foster Care / Collaborative Care Placement Supervision and Services to all 18 regions and the corresponding 92 local offices in the State. DCS will be seeking up to 10 providers to provide statewide coverage.

OYS Pre-Proposal Conference RFP 2020 – Click here for PowerPoint Presentation.

Answers to Vendor questions: Questions and Answers

Reference Check Form

Click on the link to access the document:

Indiana Youth Advisory Board Summary for RFP Posting 2019

Proposal Due Date: Monday, February 3, 2020 by 3:00 PM Eastern Time.

The Department of Child Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for the administration of the Indiana Youth Advisory Board (IYAB). IYAB is a well-established youth-led board that prepare its members to take on leadership roles.  The vision of this board is to enable Indiana's foster youth to advocate for themselves and communicate effectively by increasing awareness of rights, responsibilities and resources to ensure successful transitions.

The purpose of this RFP is to select one IYAB vendor/provider that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of co-facilitation and coordination of IYAB. Thereby, developing youth-adult partnerships, educating the community and assisting the youth in fulfilling leadership roles of advocating for themselves and others. This youth-lead collaboration will engage youth throughout the state in various ways as described in the Indiana Youth Advisory Board Service Standards.

Indiana Youth Advisory Board Pre-Proposal Conference 2020 – Click here for PowerPoint Presentation.

Answers to Vendor questions: Questions and Answers

Click on the link to access the document:

Strategic Framework for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

The Department of Child Services is seeking proposals to develop a strategic framework for the prevention of child abuse and neglect.  DCS intends to use this RFP to select a vendor to provide project management services and research support in the development of this strategic framework that will bring together statewide partners representing a variety of disciplines.  The goal of this project is to increase the effectiveness, alignment, and coordination of existing child maltreatment prevention efforts, to identify new opportunities to support the resilience and wellbeing of vulnerable children and families, and to decrease the incidence of child maltreatment in Indiana.

Proposal Due Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 3 pm Eastern time.

Please note: The deadline for submissions for this RFP has been extended until Wednesday, November 27, 2019, at 5:00 PM (EST) due to difficulties respondents have had with submitting finalized proposals.  DCS is working on this issue, and anticipates having it resolved so that completed proposals can be successfully submitted by 5:00 PM (EST) on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.  Respondents are able to continue working on proposals at this time, and no information that has already been entered into KidTraks has been compromised.

Apply at:

Deadline to Submit Electronic (Attachment F) Questions to Friday, October 4, 2019 by 3 pm Eastern time.

Answers to Vendor questions posted on DCS website October 11, 2019.

Click on the link to access the document:

Adoption – Family Preparation Services RFP 2019

Proposal Due Friday, August 16, 2019, at 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Apply at:

Click on Region below to see Open RFP, beginning Friday, June 21, 2019

Deadline to Submit Electronic (Attachment N) Questions to Monday, July 22, 2019 at 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Answers to Vendor questions posted on the website: July 29, 2019 Questions and Answers

Submission of Proposals will only be reviewed and scored if submitted electronically through KidTraks, and are due Friday, August 16, 2019 at 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Click on the link to access the document:

Community Based Services

The Department of Child Services (DCS) desires to ensure we have adequate capacity to meet service needs, and is therefore seeking proposals for the administration of Community Based Services. The purpose of this RFP is to select vendors that can satisfy DCS’ need for the provision of statewide administration of community based services.  Though this may be similar to previous solicitations, respondents should be mindful that our focus for this scope of work is on demonstrated capabilities and quality of services provided to our populations. IF YOUR AGENCY SUBMITTED A BID IN RESPONSE TO RFP 10000175 (2018 STATEWIDE COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES RFP) AND WAS SELECTED TO PROVIDE ALL OF THE SERVICES YOU REQUESTED TO HAVE ON YOUR CONTRACT, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU WERE AWARDED FOR EVERY DESIRED REGION, YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO THIS RFP. Contracts awarded through this RFP are effective from 10/01/2019 through 06/30/2021.

DCS is soliciting proposals for the following Programs, please review the definition of the program.  If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please click on the link within the program description and you will be taken to the Request for Proposal for that specific service.

Community Based Services:  Home Based Casework, Home Based Therapy, Resource Family Support Services, Support Group Services for Resource Families, Counseling, Diagnostic and Evaluation Services, Batterers Intervention, Domestic Violence Survivor and Child Intervention, Father Engagement, Functional Family Therapy, Parent Education, Parent Family Functioning Assessment, Sexually Harmful and Reactive Youth, Transition from Restrictive Placement, Tutoring, Visitation Supervision, Day Reporting, Truancy Termination, Withdrawal Management, Residential Substance Use Treatment, Substance Use Disorder Assessment, Substance Use Outpatient Treatment,  Specialized Services (limited)

Regions 1-18

Community Based Services, formerly referred to as IV-B Services, are programs which promote the well-being of children and families and are designed to strengthen and stabilize families (including adoptive, foster and extended families).  They are also designed to help families at risk or in crisis including services to assist families in preventing disruption and the unnecessary removal of children from their home.  They help to maintain the safety of children in their own homes, support families preparing to reunify or adopt, and assist families in obtaining other services to meet multiple needs.  Community Based Services are identified by the following categories:  Resource Parent Services, Family Centered Services, Other Services, Addiction Services, Probation Services, and Specialized Services.

Community Based RFP

ARCHIVED previous Community Based RFPs

Family Preservation RFI


Letter regarding an upcoming RFI for Family Preservation Services (July 5, 2019)

Interested providers can click here to to view an archived recording of a previous informational meeting.

Youth Service Bureau

The Department of Child Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for the administration of the Youth Service Bureau and Safe Place funding.  The purpose of this RFP is to select one vendor/provider that can satisfy DCS’ need for the provision of statewide administration of the Youth Service Bureau (YSB) funding as outlined in IC 31-26-1 and Safe Place programming.  This set of services is part of DCS’ comprehensive array of prevention services in the state of Indiana.  It is the intent of this RFP for the vendor to assume responsibility for directly contracting with DCS accredited and identified YSB Fund Grantees as well as Safe Place programs.  The purposes of this service are to administer the Youth Service Bureau funds to selected Youth Service Bureau (YSB) programs, to provide oversight of service provision by the YSB Fund Grantee, and to administer the accreditation process.  Additionally, this service is to administer the Project Safe Place funding to selected Safe Place programs and to provide oversight of the National Safe Place Network membership.

Proposal Due Monday, April 1, 2019 at 3 pm Eastern time.

Apply at:

Deadline to Submit Electronic (Attachment I) Questions to Friday, March 8, 2019 by 3 pm Eastern time.

Answers to Vendor questions posted on DCS website: March 15, 2019 Questions and Answers

Submission of Proposals due 4/1/19 by 3 pm Eastern time.

Click on the link to access the document:

Community Mental Health Centers

ATTENTION CURRENT COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS:  ALL CMHC contracts expire 6/30/2019.  If you wish to continue providing services, you MUST propose for a service contract through the open RFP.  This is separate from the Community Based RFP you may have recently proposed for.

The purpose of this RFP is to select Certified Community Mental Health Centers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of a comprehensive array of child welfare services to all 18 regions and the corresponding 92 local offices in the State.

Proposals Due Friday, March 1, 2019.  

Apply at:

Community Partners for Child Safety

ATTENTION CURRENT COMMUNITY PARTNERS FOR CHILD SAFETY SERVICE PROVIDERS: ALL Community Partners for Child Safety service contracts are expiring 6/30/2019.  If you wish to continue providing services, and/or provide services in additional regions, you MUST propose for a service contract through the open RFP.

The purpose is to provide a secondary child abuse prevention service that can be delivered in every region in the state.  This service will build community resources in order to have a collaborative prevention network throughout the region.  The service will be for those families that are identified through self-referral or other community agency referral.  The service will provide home based case management services to connect families to resources to strengthen the family and prevent child abuse and neglect.

Proposal Due Friday, March 1, 2019, at 10 am Eastern time.

Apply at:

Deadline to Submit Electronic (Attachment K) Questions to  Friday, February 1, 2019, by 10 am Eastern time.

Answers to Vendor questions posted on DCS website: February 8, 2019 Questions and Answers

Submission of Proposals due 3/1/19 by 10 am Eastern time.

Click on the link to access the document:

NEW Request for Proposal BEGINNING 12/3/2018
Indiana Department of Child Services

ATTENTION CURRENT SERVICE PROVIDERS: ALL community based service contracts are expiring 6/30/2019.  If you wish to continue providing services, and/or provide additional or different services, you MUST propose for a service contract through the open RFP.

The Department of Child Services (DCS), in accordance with its State Plan requires multiple child welfare services in all 18 Regions and 92 Local Offices.  It is the intent of DCS to solicit responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP).

DCS is soliciting proposals for the following Programs, please review the definition of the program.  If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please click on the link within the program description and you will be taken to the Request for Proposal for that specific service.

Community Based Services: Adoption Child Preparation, Family Preparation Home Study, Home Based Casework, Home Based Therapy, Homebuilders, Comprehensive Services, Family Centered Therapy, Resource Family Support Services, Support Group Services for Resource Families, Counseling, Diagnostic and Evaluation Services, Batterers Intervention, Domestic Violence Survivor and Child Intervention, Father Engagement, Functional Family Therapy, Parent Education, Parent Family Functioning Assessment, Sexually Harmful and Reactive Youth, Transition from Restrictive Placement, Tutoring, Visitation Facilitation, Children's Mental Health Initiative, Voluntary Residential Services Oversight, Day Reporting, Truancy Termination, Withdrawal Management, Residential Substance Use Treatment, Substance Use Disorder Assessment, Substance Use Outpatient Treatment, Medication Assessment for MRO, Medication Training and Support, Medication Peer Recovery Support,  Specialized Services, Post Adoption Services

Regions 1-18 
Proposal Due 1/11/2019

Community Based Services, formerly referred to as IV-B Services, are programs which promote the well-being of children and families and are designed to strengthen and stabilize families (including adoptive, foster and extended families).  They are also designed to help families at risk or in crisis including services to assist families in preventing disruption and the unnecessary removal of children from their home.  They help to maintain the safety of children in their own homes, support families preparing to reunify or adopt, and assist families in obtaining other services to meet multiple needs.  Community Based Services are identified by the following categories:  Adoption, Resource Parent Services, Family Centered Services, Other Services, Addiction Services, Probation Services, and Specialized Services.

CMHCs: This is the COMMUNITY BASED RFP only.  If you would like to propose for services outside of your master contract, you will need to do so through this RFP.  A separate CMHC RFP will be released at a later date.  

Services in the CMHC Master Contract are: Home Based Family Centered Casework, Home Based Family Centered Therapy, Homemaker/Parent Aid, Counseling, Diagnostic and Evaluation Services, Parent Education, Parenting and Family Functioning Assessments, Sexually Harmful and Reactive Youth, Tutoring, Visitation Facilitation, Detoxification/Withdrawal Management, Residential Substance Use Treatment, Substance Use Disorder Assessment, Substance Use Outpatient Treatment, Children’s Mental Health Initiative, Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START) – limited areas.

For More Information Concerning this RFP: Community Based Services

Request for Proposal
Indiana Department of Child Services

The Department of Child Services (DCS), in accordance with its State Plan requires multiple child welfare services in all 18 Regions and 92 Local Offices.  It is the intent of DCS to solicit responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP).

DCS is soliciting proposals for the following Programs, please review the definition of the program.  If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please click on the link within the program description and you will be taken to the Request for Proposal for that specific service.

Community Based Services: Withdrawal Maintenance (Formerly Detoxification Services), Substance Use Assessment, Substance Use Outpatient Treatment, Residential Substance Use Treatment, Diagnostic and Evaluations Services - Child Hearsay ONLY

Regions 1-18 
Proposal Due 7/13/2018

Community Based Services, formerly referred to as IV-B Services, are programs which promote the well-being of children and families and are designed to strengthen and stabilize families (including adoptive, foster and extended families).  They are also designed to help families at risk or in crisis including services to assist families in preventing disruption and the unnecessary removal of children from their home.  They help to maintain the safety of children in their own homes, support families preparing to reunify or adopt, and assist families in obtaining other services to meet multiple needs.  Community Based Services are identified by the following categories:  Adoption, Resource Parent Services, Family Centered Services, Other Services, Addiction Services, Probation Services, and Specialized Services.

Request for Information for Foster Parent Licensure and Training

The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to seek currently licensed and approved licensed child placing agencies to allocate dedicated resources to licensure and training of newly recruited potential foster parents from DCS’s partnership with Family First.  The selected agencies would be expected to work with potential foster parents through the process of review, training, and screening, ultimately leading to licensure of qualified applicants.

Specifically, DCS seeks licensed child placing agencies to train interested foster parents with the skillset to serve the increased needs of the children who are in need of out of home care in Indiana.

The RFI documents and all information concerning this RFI can be found at under RFI 18-032.

Request for Proposal
Indiana Department of Child Services

The Department of Child Services (DCS), in accordance with its State Plan requires multiple child welfare services in all 18 Regions and 92 Local Offices.  It is the intent of DCS to solicit responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP).

DCS is soliciting proposals for the following Programs, please review the definition of the program.  If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please click on the link within the program description and you will be taken to the Request for Proposal for that specific service.

The following programs are soliciting proposals:

Community Partners for Child Safety- Region 14  
Proposal Due 5/1/2017

The purpose of this service is to provide a secondary child abuse prevention service which will build community resources in order to have a collaborative prevention network throughout the region. This service will be for families that are identified through self-referral or other community agency referral. The servcie will provide home based case management services to connect families to resources to strengthen the family and prevent child abuse and neglect.

For more information concerning this RFP:

National Youth in Transition Database Youth Outcomes Survey and Outreach Services Proposal Due 2/17/2017 DCS has the need for a partner to help in the provision of the NYTD youth outcomes surveys and the provision of Outreach Services between surveys to help in assisting youth in making the transition from foster care to self-sufficiency.

For More Information Concerning this RFP: National Youth in Transition Database Youth Outcomes Survey and Outreach Service

Adoption Case Management and Recruitment RFP 17-021
Proposal Due 9/22/2016

It is the mission of the Indiana Department of Child Services to protect youth from abuse and neglect, and to ensure safe placements that support youth and their families’ goals of safety, permanence, and wellbeing.  We believe every child has the right to appropriate care and a permanent home; that parents have the primary responsibility for the care and safety of their children and that the most desirable place for children to grow up is with their own families, when these families are able to provide safe, nurturing, and stable homes.

However, when a child has been removed from their home and cannot be reunified with either of their parents, DCS must find alternative permanency.

When reunification is not possible, permanency for a child means a safe, stable and secure home and family, love, unconditional commitment, and lifelong support in the context of adoption where possible.  Every youth exiting foster care should have at a minimum a permanent connection with one caring, committed adult who will provide them with guidance and support as they make their way into adulthood.  Whatever the permanency arrangement, youth must have the opportunity to maintain contact, as appropriate, with people who are most important to them, especially siblings.

DCS believes no child should linger in foster care or leave the system at age 18 without a permanent family of their own.  DCS believes every child is adoptable.

Therefore, through this RFP, DCS is soliciting proposals for the provision of specialized case management services focused on recruiting adoptive homes and finalizing adoptions for children in a safe and expedited manner.  Proposals should provide for new and innovative strategies for service provision. The children to be served for the RFP will have 1.) a permanency plan of adoption, 2.) termination of parental rights has occurred on both parents, and 3.) no identified adoptive home.

DCS staff shall remain ultimately responsible for court recommendations, while the respondent engages in intensive efforts to achieve a finalized adoption within two years.

Proposed services must be appropriate to the age, gender, cultural heritage, and the developmental and functional level of the youth.  DCS shall use the services of its Respondent(s) at its sole discretion and makes no promises of a referral or a specific number of referrals.  The Program provided shall be in accordance with all relevant Indiana statutes and DCS’s regulations concerning case management and permanency.

The purpose of the proposed contract is for the specific outcome of safe adoption for the assigned children. The desired cost structure is one heavily weighted to finalized adoption with a nominal or minimal per diem, if any, for case management during the time the adoptive home is being recruited and adoption finalized.

For more information concerning this RFP: RFP 17-021

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) (2016-2018) RFP
Proposal Due 10/26/16
Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical
abuse.  These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

For more information concerning this RFP: DCS: Child Advocacy Center

Community Based Services  
Proposal Due 6/10/16

Community Based Services, formerly referred to as IV-B Services, are programs which promote the well-being of children and families and are designed to strengthen and stabilize families (including adoptive, foster and extended families).  They are also designed to help families at risk or in crisis including services to assist families in preventing disruption and the unnecessary removal of children from their home.  They help to maintain the safety of children in their own homes, support families preparing to reunify or adopt, and assist families in obtaining other services to meet multiple needs.  Community Based Services are identified by the following categories:  Adoption, Resource Parent Services, Family Centered Services, Other Services, Addiction Services, Probation Services, and Specialized Services.

For More Information Concerning this RFP: Community Based Services

Healthy Families Indiana RFP

Revised Due Date: 5/3/16

Please view Addendum for further information: Addendum

The purpose of this RFP is to select Healthy Families Indiana (HFI) vendors/providers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of prevention services to all 92 counties, in accordance with the State Plan. HFI is a voluntary program designed to promote healthy families and healthy children through a variety of services. Agencies must be in compliance with local and state requirements, as well as, be nationally accredited with Healthy Families America.

For more information concerning this RFP: Healthy Families

Healthy Families Indiana- Think Tank RFP  

Revised Due Date: 5/3/16

Please view Addendum for further information: Addendum

The Department of Child Services (DCS), in accordance with its State Plan, requires child abuse/neglect prevention services in all 92 counties.  To develop new practices and identify needs in prevention services DCS uses the Healthy Families Indiana (HFI) Think Tank.  The purpose of this RFP is to select one vendor/provider to provide facilitation of the Healthy Families Indiana (HFI) Think Tank Advisory Committee (Think Tank).  HFI is a voluntary program designed to promote healthy families and healthy children through a variety of services.  The HFI Think Tank shall provide recommendations to the State for the on-going development and implementation of the HFI home visitation program.

For more information concerning this RFP: Healthy Families

Youth Advisory Board RFP
Proposal Due Date: 3/21/2016

The goal of the Indiana Youth Advisory Board is to be a youth-led board that will prepare its members to take on leadership roles.  The vision of this board is to enable Indiana's foster youth to advocate for themselves and communicate effectively by increasing awareness of rights, responsibilities and resources to ensure successful transitions.

The purpose of this RFP is to select one Indiana Youth Advisory Board vendor/provider that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of co-facilitation and coordination of the Youth Advisory Board.  Thereby, developing youth-adult partnerships, educating the community and assisting the youth in fulfilling leadership roles of advocating for themselves and others. This youth-lead collaboration will engage youth throughout the state in various ways as described in the Indiana Youth Advisory Board Service Standards.

For more information concerning this RFP: Older Youth Services

Placement Support and Compliance
Intensive Foster Care Services
Response Due Date: 1/15/2016

The purpose of this Request for Information (“RFI”) is to solicit specialized and innovative program ideas and service solutions to expand placement and service options for children under 10 who have socio-behavioral or mental health needs that cannot be met in traditional foster family home settings.  This RFI is only a request for information about potential services and no contractual obligation on behalf of the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) shall arise from the RFI process. This RFI may lead to a contract with a licensed child placing agency to provide additional types of foster care programs for this population. It may also lead to residential contracts for additional programs for this population.  It may also lead to an RFP for services for this population.

For more information concerning this RFI: Request for Information Intensive Foster Care Services

Announcement: The extended Response Deadline is 3 p.m. Eastern on January 22, 2016.

Older Youth Services
Proposal Due Date: 1/6/2016  

The main purpose of this RFP is to select:

Older Youth Services: vendors/providers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of Chafee Independent Living Services, Chafee Voluntary Independent Living Services and Collaborative Care Placement Supervision and Services to all 18 regions and the corresponding 92 local offices in the State . DCS will be seeking up to 10 providers to provide statewide coverage.

Staff Supported Housing: Staff Supported Housing Placement Supervision and Services. DCS is seeking service providers who are willing to provide physical placement, placement supervision and services as defined in the Older Youth Service Standards and Older Youth Service Protocol.

For more information concerning this RFP: Older Youth Services

Proposal Due Date: 3/17/2015

The purpose of this RFP is to select Community-Based Services vendors/providers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of Children’s Mental Health Initiative Services, Post Adoption Services, Voluntary Residential Services Oversight , and Cross Systems Care Coordination. In addition, DCS is seeking a provider to pilot Care Coordination/Behavior Intervention Services. These services are to provide an all inclusive service array to children who meet the target populations.

For More Information Concerning this RFP:  CSCC/CMHI/VRSO/Post Adopt

Education and Training Voucher Program and College Dorm Placement Program
Proposal Due Date: 3/20/2015  

The purpose of this RFP is to select no more than one vendor that can satisfy the State’s need for the provision of the Education and Training Voucher program and administration of College Dorm Placement Program across Indiana.  The federally funded ETV program provides financial aid assistance to youth who are in foster care or were formerly in foster care.  It is the intent of the Department of Child Services (DCS) to contract with a vendor that is competent in the area of child welfare, post-secondary education student support and can provide quality service coordination and provision for former foster youth seeking financial assistance with post-secondary education or training.  The College Dorm Placement Program supports current foster youth in college dorm placements.  It is the intent of DCS to contract with a vendor that has the ability to administer payments directly to youth across the state.

For More Information Concerning this RFP:  
Education and Training Voucher Program and College Dorm Placement Program

Community Based Services 
Proposal Due 12/1/2015

Community Based Services, formerly referred to as IV-B Services, are programs which promote the well-being of children and families and are designed to strengthen and stabilize families (including adoptive, foster and extended families).  They are also designed to help families at risk or in crisis including services to assist families in preventing disruption and the unnecessary removal of children from their home.  They help to maintain the safety of children in their own homes, support families preparing to reunify or adopt, and assist families in obtaining other services to meet multiple needs.  Community Based Services are identified by the following categories:  Adoption, Resource Parent Services, Family Centered Services, Other Services, Addiction Services, Probation Services, and Specialized Services.

For More Information Concerning this RFP: Community Based Services

Proposals Due 10/15/2014

HOMEBUILDERS® is an evidence-based program designed to strengthen families in order to prevent unnecessary out-of-home placement or return children from foster, group and residential care. Families served by this intensive, in-home, family therapy model have children in imminent risk of placement, or have children in placement that cannot be reunified without intensive services. The purpose of the HOMEBUILDERS® RFP is to select providers to provide HOMEBUILDERS® Services

For More Information Concerning this RFP: HOMEBUILDERS®

Community Partners for Child Safety
Proposal Due 10/15/2014

The purpose is to provide a secondary child abuse prevention service that can be delivered in every region in the state.  This service will build community resources in order to have a collaborative prevention network throughout the region.  The service will be for those families that are identified through self-referral or other community agency referral.  The service will provide home based case management services to connect families to resources to strengthen the family and prevent child abuse and neglect.

For More Information Concerning this RFP:   Community Partners for Child Safety

Adoption Services
Proposal Due 3/27/2015

IMPORTANT NOTICE: A revised RFP was posted on 2/27/2015. Please review all documents.

The purpose of this RFP is to select a vendor that can satisfy the State's need for coordination/facilitation of the Adoption Recruitment Services, which operates as the Indiana Adoption Program, for the time July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. It is the expectation of DCS that the selected vendor will build upon existing program tools and processes. The overall goal is to assist DCS in achieving timely permanency for children in the foster care system awaiting adoption by carrying out the components outlined in the RFP to recruit potential adoptive parents. DCS expects the selected vendor to be experienced and knowledgeable in child welfare, foster care, and adoption issues. The selected vendor must collaborate with community resources (i.e. staff at local offices of DCS, the Heart Gallery contractor, foster parents, mental health agencies, schools, etc.) in an effort to increase the effectiveness and appropriateness of service. This joint effort will help to develop the regional emphasis on recruiting adoptive parents. It will be important that the provider work within the structure and needs of each DCS region. Community resources and recruited families should reflect the metropolitan and rural cultural norms of each region, while creating a seamless provision of services across the state.

For More Information Concerning this RFP: Adoption Services