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Child Advocacy Center

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) (FY 2025-2027)
2024 CAC RFP

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical abuse.   These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand-alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency provides counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.

Deadline for Submission of Proposal: July 10, 2024 at 3 PM EDT

Pre-Proposal Presentation
Q&A Responses

Deadline to submit electronic (Attachment G) questions to is June 21, 2024 3:00 EDT

CAC Boilerplate Updated 6/28/2024
Attachment A – Sample Contract
Attachment B – Service Standard Updated 6/28/2024
Attachment C – Business Proposal Template  Updated 6/28/2024
Attachment D – Technical Proposal Template Updated 6/28/2024
Attachment E – Principles of Child Welfare
Attachment F – Assurances
Attachment G – Q&A Template
Attachment H – CAC Interview Written Report
Attachment I – Invoicing Template Updated 1/9/2025
Attachment J – Quarterly Report
Attachment K – Release of Information
Attachment L – Covered Personnel
Attachment N – Budget Worksheet Updated 7/3/2024

Previous Requests:

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) Limited County RFP (FY 2021-2023) 

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical
abuse.   These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand-alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency providers counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.

Apply at:
Current Open Request: Lake, Fulton, Howard, Delaware, Johnson
Deadline for Submission of Proposal: 10/6/2020 at 3 PM EDT

Pre-Proposal Presentation

Deadline to submit electronic (Attachment H) questions to is September 23, 2020 3:00 EDT

CAC RFP Boilerplate
Attachment A: Service Standard for Child Advocacy Centers 
Attachment B: KidTraks Provider User Guide
Attachment C: Provider Narrative Template
Attachment D: Service Narrative Template
Attachment E: Sample Contract 
Attachment F: Principles of Child Welfare Services
Attachment G: Assurances
Attachment H: Q&A Template
Attachment I: CAC Interview Written Report
Attachment J: CAC Quarterly Report
Attachment K: CAC Standard Release Form
Attachment L: CAC Invoice Template  
Attachment L: 2024 Invoice Template

Attachment M: Covered Personnel
Attachment N: Budget Worksheet 
Attachment O: (Optional) CJA Service Narrative 
Attachment P: (Optional) CJA Budget and Budget Narrative Template

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) (FY 2021-2023)

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical 
abuse.   These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand-alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency providers counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.

Apply at:
Current Open Request: Statewide
Deadline for Submission of Proposal: 5/1/2020 at 3 PM EDT

Pre-Proposal Presentation

Questions and Answers

Deadline to submit electronic (Attachment H) questions to is April 8, 2020 3:00 EDT

CAC Addendum 1
CAC Addendum 2

CAC RFP Boilerplate
Attachment A: Service Standard for Child Advocacy Centers 
Updated 4/16/2020
Attachment B: KidTraks Provider User Guide
Attachment C: Provider Narrative Template
Attachment D: Service Narrative Template
Updated to include Word Document 4/16/2020
Attachment E: Sample Contract Updated 4/16/2020
Attachment F: Principles of Child Welfare Services
Attachment G: Assurances
Attachment H: Q&A Template
Attachment I: CAC Interview Written Report
Attachment J: CAC Quarterly Report
Attachment K: CAC Standard Release Form
Attachment L: CAC Invoice Template
Attachment L: 2024 Invoice Template 
Attachment M: Covered Personnel
Attachment N: Budget Worksheet
Updated 4/16/2020
Attachment O: (Optional) CJA Service Narrative Updated to include Word document 4/27/2020
Attachment P: (Optional) CJA Budget and Budget Narrative Template

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) (2016-2018)

Advocacy Centers are neutral, safe and child appropriate locations where multidisciplinary teams investigate disclosures of child sexual or severe physical
abuse.  These multidisciplinary teams are made up of law enforcement officers, child protective service personnel, medical and mental health, victim assistance, prosecutors, and advocates. Children who have disclosed abuse are interviewed by a forensic interviewer at such centers.  The multidisciplinary approach to child abuse assessments is designed with the intention of reducing the secondary trauma associated with the disclosure and subsequent investigation of abuse.

The Child Advocacy Center must be a Non Profit entity with 501.c3 status or a government entity like a Prosecutor’s Office.  The Child Advocacy Center with the Non Profit status may be a stand alone Child Advocacy Center, a Child Advocacy Center under an umbrella agency or a Child Advocacy Center under a Prosecutor’s Office.

The target population served by the CAC is restricted to the following:

1. Families and children for whom a child protection service assessment has been initiated.
2. Families and children who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with Informal Adjustment (IA) or Children in Need of Services (CHINS).
3. Children and their families which have an IA or the children have the status of CHINS or JD (Juvenile Delinquency).JS (Juvenile Status).
4. Children with the status of CHINS or JD/JS and their Foster/Kinship families with whom they are placed.

If your agency providers counseling services, you cannot provide these services under the Child Advocacy Center Service Standard, you must submit a proposal for counseling services under Community Based Services for the Counseling Service Standard.

Apply at:
Current Open Request Region 6 Howard & Fulton County
Issure of RFP: 10/20/2016
Submission of Proposal: 10/26/2016 at 4 PM EDT
Regional Allocation Document

CAC RFP Boilerplate
Attachment A: Service Standard for Child Advocacy Centers
Attachment B: KidTraks User Guide
Attachment C: Service Narrative for CAC
Attachment D: Budget Worksheet 2016 - updated 6/1/2016
Attachment F: Principles of Child Welfare Services
Attachment G: Assurances
Attachment J: CAC Quarterly Report
Attachment K: Scoring Tool for CAC Proposals
Attachment L: CAC Interview Written Report
Attachment M: CAC Standard Release Form
Attachment N: Federal Selected Disallowances
Attachment O: Required Question Form -updated 5/25/16
CAC Invoice Template
CAC Sample Contract for October 2016-2018
Excel Spreadsheet to Record Covered Personnel
Exhibit 1 Certification of Completion of Required Criminal Background Checks
CAC Bidders Conference PowerPoint

Region 5, 6 and 11 Due date is 11/1/2013
Regional Allocations

Region 17 CAC RFP 8/15/2012

If your agency meets the above requirements, click on the following link and proceed to the Proposal:

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) document has been updated

Attachment A:  Child Advocacy Center Service Standard updated 4/12/2012
Attachment B: KidTraks User Guide
Attachment C: Provider Narrative
Attachment D: Service Narrative
Attachment E: Payment Points Definition
Attachment E: Budget Summary updated 10/23/2013
Attachment E: Budget Justification Worksheet and Monthly Invoicing Justification updated 10/23/2013
Attachment F: Assurances
Attachment G: Sample Contract
Attachment H: Scoring Tool
Attachment I: Federal Disallowances
Attachment J: Quarterly Report updated 12/29/2016
Attachment J1: CAC Interview Report
Attachment L: Exhibit 1
Attachment L: Instruction Paper on Background Checks
Attachment L: Covered Personnel Worksheet