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RFP: National Youth in Transition Database Youth Outcomes Survey and Outreach

National Youth in Transition Database Youth Outcomes Survey and Outreach Services Proposals Due: February 17, 2017 DCS currently is currently required under the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) to provide and collect information for the NYTD youth outcomes survey.  In order to meet the required Federal reporting requirements DCS has chosen to contract with a vendor has the ability to administer the NYTD youth outcomes surveys to all youth in the follow up population and to engage youth in outreach services to meet our reporting requirements.

DCS’s need is to award to a qualified respondent of this RFP the services for the administration of the Indiana specific NYTD survey for 19 and 21 year old youth who are in the follow up population and actively engage youth 17 through 21 years of age whom are in the survey and follow up population through outreach services.

DCS also requires the provision of Outreach Services to the youth as needed.

Click on the link to access the document:

* RFP Update #1 dated 1-25-17
* Attachment A – Sample Contract
* Attachment A1 - Exhibit 1 Background Check Template
* Attachment B - Cost Proposal Template
* Attachment C - Business Proposal Template
* Attachment D- Technical Proposal Template
* Attachment E - NYTD Resources
* Attachment F - Cohort Schedule
* Attachment G - Q&A Template
* NYTD Attachment G Q&A response 2-2-17
* Attachment H - Reports
* Attachment I - Monthly Report Template
* Pre-Proposal Conference Sign-in Sheet
* Pre-Proposal Conference PowerPoint Presentation