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Older Youth Services

Youth Advisory Board RFP

The main purpose of this RFP is to select one Indiana Youth Advisory Board vendor/provider that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of co-facilitation and coordination of the Youth Advisory Board. Thereby, developing youth-adult partnerships, educating the community and assisting the youth in fulfilling leadership roles of advocating for themselves and others. The vision of this board is to enable Indiana's foster youth to advocate for themselves and communicate effectively by increasing awareness of rights, responsibilities and resources to ensure successful transitions. This youth-lead collaboration will engage youth throughout the state in various ways as described in the Indiana Youth Advisory Board Service Standards.

Indiana Youth Advisory Board Request for Proposal

Attachment A - Application Signature Page
Attachment B - CHAFEE Youth Advisory Board Service Standards 2016
Attachment C - Budget Template
Attachment D - Provider Narrative
Attachment E - Service Narrative
Attachment F - Research on Older Youth in Foster Care
Attachment G - Exhibit 1 - Background Check and Sample Spreadsheet
Attachment H - Assurances
Attachment I - Sample Youth Advisory Board Contract
Attachment J - Federal Selected Disallowed Expenses
Attachment K - Principles of Child Welfare Services

Older Youth Services

The main purpose of this RFP is to select:

Older Youth Services: vendors/providers that can satisfy the DCS need for the provision of Chafee Independent Living Services, Chafee Voluntary Independent Living Services and Collaborative Care Placement Supervision and Services to all 18 regions and the corresponding 92 local offices in the State . DCS will be seeking up to 10 providers to provide statewide coverage.

Staff Supported Housing: Staff Supported Housing Placement Supervision and Services. DCS is seeking service providers who are willing to provide physical placement, placement supervision and services as defined in the Older Youth Service Standards and Older Youth Service Protocol.

Request for Proposals

Addendum Children in Out of Home Placements
The Attachment C, Application has been revised to include the correct deadline date for the Older Youth Services RFP.
The deadline for the RFP is January 6 2016.
Please use the addendum to Attachment C, posted below.
Attachment C Application Addendum
Questions and Answers for RFP
RFP Older Youth Services Webinar 
Attachment A- Service Standards
Attachment B - Protocol
Attachment C- Application
Attachment D - Budget Worksheets
Attachment E - Provider Narrative
Attachment F- Service Narrative
Attachment F- Service Narrative Staff Supported Housing
Attachment G- Principles of Child Welfare Services
Attachment H - Assurances
Attachment I -Sample Contract
Attachment J - Exhibit 1
Attachment K -Federal Selected Disallowed Expenses

Previous RFP documents and Service Standards for Older Youth Service Contracts and Youth Advisory Board contracts effective July 1,2012-June 30,2016:

The Department of Child Services plans to offer a new program for older youth: Collaborative Care.  In preparation, youth will transition to a new case manager at age 17 ½. The new Family Case Manager will be called a Collaborative Care Case Manager (3CM). The goal of the Collaborative Care program is to move identified youth into independent living settings that the youth can continue to live in once DCS closes the case. The focal points of this programming are to increase youth voice, offer youth opportunities to practice interdependence, and provide a foundation for gaining the skills needed to build the youth’s own social capitol. This program also allows youth to voluntarily return to foster care on or after the age of 18. Through this RFP, DCS is seeking proposals from providers interested in providing Older Youth Services. DCS is also interested in learning about creative programming designed for older youth that focuses on vocational educational opportunities. DCS may fund such a program.

Due to the questions received, minor changes have been made in the OYS RFP.  Please see the Addendum link for a listing of changes.

Attachment B: Budget Worksheets Use the revised edition, listed above.

Attachment K: Placement Mix of Older Youth

NYTD Youth Outcomes Survey and Outreach Services RFP

Youth Advisory Board RFP

The goal of the Indiana Youth Advisory Board is to be a youth-led board that will prepare its members to take on leadership roles. The vision of this board is to enable Indiana's foster youth to advocate for themselves and communicate effectively by increasing awareness of rights, responsibilities and resources to ensure successful transitions.

Through this RFP, DCS is seeking a vendor to develop a youth-adult partnership with the Indiana Youth Advisory Board, thereby educating the community and assisting the youth in fulfilling leadership roles and advocating for themselves and others.  In fulfilling its duties, the vendor will co-facilitate the Indiana Youth Advisory Board in conjunction with the members. This youth-led collaboration will engage youth throughout the state in various ways, including organization and working with members to plan Youth Advisory Board meetings, as more specifically provided in Attachment A, Service Standards.