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HOMEBUILDERS®:  Proposals Due 10/15/2014

HOMEBUILDERS® is an evidence-based program designed to strengthen families in order to prevent unnecessary out-of-home placement or return children from foster, group and residential care.  Families served by this intensive, in-home, family therapy model have children in immanent risk of placement, or have children in placement that cannot be reunified without intensive services.  The purpose of the HOMEBUILDERS® RFP is to select providers to provide HOMEBUILDERS® Services

Apply at:

Issue of RFP:  9/2/14
Bidders’ Conference: 9/8/14 9am – 12noon and 1pm – 4pm
Deadline to Submit Electronic (Attachment M) Questions to  9/15/14 by 10 am EST
Answers to Vendor questions posted on DCS website: 9/30/14  Questions and Answers
Submission of Proposals  10/15/14 by 4pm EDT

  • Note:  The Google Chrome compatibility issue will not be resolved prior to the 10/15/2014 submission due date. Proposal will need to be submitted using the browsers Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Click on the link to access the document:

RFP Documents and Service Standards for Contracts effective 4/1/2011 - 3/31/2015: RFP Documents