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Ordinances 2024

FCO 2024-01  Animal Care and Control Ordinance Modification to FCO 2023-4501/16/2024
FCO 2024-02 Regulation Residential and Commercial On-Site Sewage Systems and Providing Penalties for Violations02/06/2024
FCO 2024-03  Establishing  Delayed Schedule in the Administrative and Judicial County Building 02/21/2024
FCO 2024-04 Amending American Rescue Plan Implementation Plan03/05/2024
FCO 2024-05 Allowing Employees to Work on Primary and General Election Day(s) in Exchange for a Day Off03/05/2024
FCO 2024-06 Establishing ECHO Lead Grant Fund #916303/05/2024
FCO 2024-07 Establishing Non-Reverting Fund for Rewire TIF Fund04/16/2024
FCO 2024-08 Establishing Non-Reverting Fund for Edwardsville School TIF Fund04/16/2024
FCO 2024-09 Establishing Non-Reverting Fund for Community Foundation of Southern Indiana Probation Grant Fund04/16/2024
FCO 2024-10 Establishing Non-Reverting Fund for Edwardsville School TIF Debt Service Fund05/06/2024
FCO 2024-11 Establishing Non-Reverting Fund for Redwire TIF Debt Service Fund05/06/2024
FCO 2024-12 Addendum to Ordinance Establishing a Consolidated Fire Protection District for Lafayette and Greenville Townships and Providing for the Appointment of Fire District Trustees for Highlander Fire Protection District FCO 2022-4105/06/2024
FCO 2024-13  Establishing a Non-Reverting Fund for EMS Services05/21/2024
FCO 2024-14 Addendum to Ordinance Establishing a Consolidated Fire Protection District for Lafayette and Greenville Townships and Providing for the Appointment of Fire District Trustees for Highlander Fire Protection District FCO 2022-4106/04/2024
FCO 2024-15 Designating Load Limits on Bridge 31 (North Luther Road)06/19/2024
FCO 2024-16  Fee Schedule as a Modification of the Floyd County Zoning Ordinance06/19/2024
FCO 2024-17 Designate Use of  Fund 1237 Opioid Restricted Funds06/19/2024
FCO 2024-18 Designate Use of Fund 1238 Opioid Unrestricted Funds06/19/2024
FCO 2024-19 Approving the Floyd County Employee Handbook07/03/2024
FCO 2024-20 Ordinance Pertaining to Map Amendments to the Floyd County Zoning Ordinance08/06/2024
FCO 2024-21 Door-to-Door Solicitation Ordinance 08/06/2024
FCO 2024-22  Pertaining to Map Amendments to the Floyd County Zoning Ordinance09/10/2024
FCO 2024-23 Revised Door-to-Door Solicitation Ordinance09/10/2024
FCO 2024-24 Procedure to Replace an Appointed Fire Protection District Trustee09/10/2024
FCO 2024-25 ARP Amendment 09/17/2024
FCO 2024-26 Non-Reverting Fund for Floyd County Offices Building Maintenance Fund10/15/2024
FCO 2024-27 Stormwater Ordinance Revised11/20/2024
FCO 2024-28 Non-Reverting Fund for The Public Safety LIT11/20/2024
FCO 2024-29 Partial Vacation of Drainage Easement in Shagbark Subdivision11/20/2024
FCO 2024-30 Amedning ARP Plan12/10/2024
FCO 2024-32 Establishing Fund #9158 Caesar Foundation Grant12/27/2024