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IUPs, Reports and PPLs

IUPs, Annual Reports, and PPLs

The Indiana State Revolving Fund Loan Programs are partially funded by capitalization grants awarded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Each year the CWSRF and DWSRF Loan programs publish Intended Use Plans (IUPs) that detail the uses, goals and objectives of the SRF Loan Programs pursuant to Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act and Section 216 of the Clean Water Act.  The IUPs provide detailed information on not only how the CWSRF and DWSRF Loan Programs plan to use the funds provided by EPA but information on additional subsidization, project priority lists, disadvantaged community criteria/affordability criteria, ranking and scoring information, uses of Set-Asides available to the DWSRF Program, etc. The IUPs are drafted each year and posted for public comment. The public is encouraged to review and provide comments to the SRF Loan Programs. IUPs are posted for a three-week public comment period each September.

In addition to the IUPs, the SRF Loan Programs are required to provide an Annual Report to EPA for both the CWSRF and the DWSRF Loan Programs to document how the funds were spent and to ensure requirements set by Congress were met. The Annual Reports set forth the accomplishments of the SRF Loan Programs. The Annual Reports are provided to EPA each October 1st and are posted to the SRF website in late October. The public is encouraged to review the Annual Reports to see how the EPA funds were spent in Indiana.

Project Priority Lists (PPLs) are developed for each quarter of the year. The PPLs are developed after ranking and scoring projects that are set forth in Preliminary Engineering Reports (PER) submitted by potential borrowers that come in the Spring of each year. First Quarter PPLs are posted in early July once a fundable range is identified. Thereafter, potential borrowers can submit applications/PERs and be put on future PPLs (2nd, 3rd and 4th Quarter). Applications/PERs are accepted throughout the year.  All PPLs are posted for a three-week public notice.

The IUPs, Annual Reports, and PPLs are provided below.

Intended Use Plans and Project Priority Lists








Annual Reports

Water Infrastructure  Assistance Fund


Drinking Water

Project Location Maps:

Clean Water Needs Survey

Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment