The Indiana Finance Authority's State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Programs seek your assistance in documenting the capital needs for wastewater and drinking water projects.
Why submit your projects?
The SRF Drinking Water and Wastewater Loan Programs receive an annual allotment from the U.S. EPA, which is then leveraged in the bond market to provide funding to Indiana communities. The more money the SRF Loan Programs receive from the U.S. EPA, the more SRF can loan to communities like yours. The U.S. EPA bases their allocation to each state on the results of the Needs Surveys.
Indiana's goal is to identify as many water quality needs as possible, so if you have a project or potential project, please contact a State Needs Coordinator:
Drinking Water: Sarah Hudson, (317)232-2812,
Wastewater: Camille Meiners P.E., (317)234-3661,
DWSRF Needs Survey
Every four years, Indiana has an opportunity to increase funds available to drinking water systems via the Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey Assessment ("Needs Survey", or "DWINSA"). During a Needs Survey year, a sample of drinking water systems are asked to provide information related to 20-year capital improvement needs. The results of the survey directly impact the Indiana Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan Program's national allotment.
Past reports are available at EPA's website (
The 2025 Needs Survey is currently underway.
CWSRF Needs Survey
Every four years, the U.S. EPA conducts a comprehensive assessment of the capital needs to meet the water quality goals set in the Clean Water Act. This report is used by Congress to assist with informed budget decisions and provide information on general water quality issues the public.
To be a success, input from all communities is vital!
Past reports are available at EPA's website (