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Contact Information for Common Requests and Frequently Accessed Areas


I need...

to contact Capitol Police for a non-emergency (Click here for more information)

to ask a question about my Criminal History (Click here for more information)

to ask a question on Commercial Vehicles (Click here for more information)

to ask a question about Firearms Licensing (Click here for more information)

to make a Public Records Request visit the ISP APRA Portal (Click here for more information)

to register a complaint (Click here for more information)

Capitol Police Section

If you need the assistance of the Indiana State Police Capitol Police Section for non-emergencies, please use the below contact information.

For Public Records requests, Firearms queries, or Commercial Vehicles issues, please see the appropriate section elsewhere on this page.

For General inquiries (NOT Public Records, Firearms, or Commercial Vehicles) please see the appropriate section elsewhere on this page.

In Person:
Indiana Government Center North
100 N. Senate Avenue, Suite N340 (west elevators)
Indianapolis IN 46204
By Telephone: 317.232.8248 (24 hour service)

Contact Criminal History Administration

If you have a question about obtaining a copy of your Criminal History, please check out the Criminal History Services section of our website at for specific information about the various criminal history services available from the Indiana State Police. If you cannot find the answer on our site, please feel free to contact us using one of the methods below.

By e-Mail:

Questions regarding Indiana criminal histories may be submitted via email to:

By Postal Mail
Indiana State Police CJIS Section
P.O. Box 6188
Indianapolis, IN 46206
In Person:
Indiana Government Center North
100 N. Senate Avenue, Suite N302 (east elevators)
Indianapolis IN 46204
By Telephone: 317.232.8262

Contact CVED

By e-Mail:

Commercial vehicle enforcement questions may be submitted via email to:

By Postal Mail
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division
7811 Milhouse Road, Suite S
Indianapolis, IN 46241
By Telephone: 317.615.7373
By Fax: 317.237.2116

Firearms Licensing

We have experienced a high volume of handgun licensing application. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please read the information below regarding frequently asked questions. If your question has not been answered after reading the below information please email us. Someone from the firearms license unit will reach out to you either through email or by telephone to assist in answering your question or resolving your issue, as soon as possible.

Firearms Permit Application Process (Click here for more information)

July 2021 Licensing Fee Schedule (Click here for more information)

Reasons Permits may be Delayed (Click here for more information)

Address Change (Click here for more information)

Firearms Denial - How to Appeal (Click here for more information)

Reciprocation of Firearms License and Permits (Click here for more information)

On the application who do I list as my local Agency? (Click here for more information)

When may I upgrade my license from a four year to a lifetime license? (Click here for more information)

What to do if I feel that my Firearms License Application is delayed? (Click here for more information)

Expiring Application (Click here for more information)

If a 5 year application started before July 1, 2020 (Click here for more information)

Contact your local police agency to complete your process (Click here for more information)

Firearms Permit Application Process

Step 1: Complete the online application at .You may also request a duplicate plastic license and update your personal information on this website.   At the end of the application, you will be required to pay the STATE fee online.   There are separate fees for fingerprinting and the local law enforcement agencies.  Directions on how to schedule electronic fingerprinting are below (step 2).

Step 2: Schedule electronic fingerprinting through MorphoTrust .

Step 3: Bring your Application Number to your local law enforcement agency for approval and local fee payment.

Step 4: Your application will be electronically transferred to ISP for final review.  If your application is approved, your permit will be sent to you via U.S. Mail.  If your application is rejected, you will be notified via U.S. Mail and will receive instructions on how to file an appeal.

Reasons Permits may be Delayed

The following WILL cause a delay in the issuance of Firearms Permits:

  • If you have any criminal history, your application process will take significantly longer while we verify the disposition(s) of those events.  
  • If you do not have a criminal history and our criminal history check indicates that you may have a criminal record, the process will take longer while the Firearms Unit Staff verifies that the criminal history does not belong to you.
  • If the fee marked on the application is not equal to the money order amount submitted, there will be a delay.
  • If medical records or work documentation required have not been submitted, there will be a delay.
  • If the application is incomplete or has invalid data, the process will be delayed.
  • If you submitted two or more applications in belief that it would expedite the process, there will be a delay. Submitting multiple applications prevents our database from linking your fingerprints to the proper application.
  • If the application has not been transmitted by the Local Law Enforcement Agency you went through, the Indiana State Police Department does not have the application and will not be able to process it until it is transmitted.
  • The Indiana State Police Department cannot account for every circumstance that may cause a delay in the application process.  

The above instances are some of the major reasons that cause a delay.

Request an Address Change or a Duplicate License

To change an address on your firearms license you must complete the following form:

Click on Duplicate/ Address Change” or Address notification then “Sign In”.  Next, follow the prompts.

An address may be changed without the purchase of a duplicate license. If you choose to purchase a duplicate license there is a required fee of $20.00.

Firearms Denial - How to Appeal

Receiving a denial letter in response to your application for a firearms license is not the end of the process. Denied applicants are allowed a hearing with an Administrative Court Judge. Once a hearing is requested by the applicant, the firearms license unit will send out a notification on when the hearing will be held. This notification may take longer due to the volume of application denials we have experienced.

Reasons for denial may vary from application to application. The majority of denials are due to a discrepancy between information on the application and what is found on the background check. Ensure that all information requested on the application is correct and complete, specifically regarding applicant criminal history and mental health.

If your application has been rejected you should have received an appeal form along with your rejection letter. Complete the appeal form and upload the form to your application for review. If you do not have the appeal form, a written request for appeal can be uploaded to your application for review. Your appeal will be reviewed.

All information regarding an application denial is provided at the hearing.

Reciprocation of Firearms License and Permits

There are several sites on the internet as well as books available regarding that topic. We have included some of the links below.

We do not endorse any particular book and do recommend that you inquire with the specific jurisdiction to confirm that they recognize Indiana’s Firearms License. Even if they honor Indiana’s license there may be limitations.

Typically if another State does not recognize Indiana’s Firearms License it is due to Indiana not requiring training and/or certification to receive a license/permit. States who require an applicant to complete a training course only recognize licenses/permits from other jurisdictions who do the same.

On the application who do I list as my local Agency?

With 92 counties and over 300 law enforcement agencies throughout Indiana we leave it up to each firearm license applicant to locate their own local law enforcement agency. This is the agency that would service your residence in a case of an emergency. If in the city limits it would be the city police department. If outside the city limits it would be the county sheriff department. It is suggested that you call either one and ask. At that time you can confirm the location of firearms license application processing and fee payment requirements.

When may I upgrade my license from a four or five year to a lifetime license?

As of July 1, 2019 handgun license holders may apply for a lifetime license as well as hold 5 year license at the same time.

What to do if I feel that my Firearms License Application is delayed?

First, contact your local agency if you have not done so. It is important to verify that your application has been forwarded to the Indiana State Police. When doing so, request that the local agency provide you with your application number. This will assist in tracking down the status.

Once you have inquired with your local agency, go to: then go to Check my Application Status.  Click “Sign In” and follow the prompts.

Expiring Application

If your application is about to expire or has expired, log back into your application using your application number and resubmit the application. You do not need to start another application and are at no risk of losing your licensing fees. That will give your application an additional 180 days. 

If a 5 year application is initiated before July 1, 2020

The 5 year applications began before July 1, 2020. If you filed out an application before July 1, 2020 and completed after that date, the application was created in the Portal in the previous version that did require a fee. A new version of the website application was released on July 1, 2020 at 12:00am. Contact our office at 317.232.8264 for assistance completing the handgun licensing process.

Contact your local police agency to complete your process

Contact your local police agency to inquire as to their procedures to complete your application. If you need to schedule an appointment and what to bring to the appointment.

If you still have further concerns, you can contact the Indiana State Police Department at Your inquiry will be directed to a member of the Firearms Licensing Unit who will look into your concerns and will be in touch with you as soon as possible. You may also contact the Firearms Licensing Unit by phone at 317.232.8264. We are experiencing a high volume of phone calls as well as e-mails. We appreciate your patience.

If you have a question about the Indiana Firearms Licensing process, or about the laws of Indiana regarding a permit to carry a firearm, please check out the Firearms Licensing Section of our website for specific information about the handgun carry permit process and laws of Indiana. 

The best way to check the status of your application is online at:

If there are no mistakes on your application and you have no criminal history, your license should be issued within 60 days from the time your local authority submitted your application to ISP.

Please do not submit an inquiry about a pending application unless your application has well exceeded the anticipated timeline.

By e-Mail:

To submit a Firearms License inquiry, including questions not related to a pending application, via email, click here.

By Postal Mail or In Person:
Firearms License Unit
Information Technology section
Criminal Justice Data Division
Indiana State Police
Indiana Government Center North
100 N. Senate Avenue, Suite N302
Indianapolis IN 46204
By Telephone: 317.232.8264

Public Records Requests

In accordance with Indiana Code (IC) 5-14-3, the Indiana State Police provides the public with access to its public records upon request. While some records, such as investigatory information, are excepted from disclosure under IC 5-14-3-4, all requests are reviewed and acted upon in a timely manner. To request a copy of an ISP public records, visit the ISP APRA Portal:  ISP APRA Portal

Allegations of Misconduct

The Indiana State Police Department is committed to maintaining the integrity of its employees and accountability to the public. Each year the department receives hundreds of letters, telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, and personal visits from citizens who wish to commend the actions of many officers and civilian employees. There are, however, occasions when a citizen contacts the department for the purpose of registering a complaint concerning the conduct of an employee. The policy of the Indiana State Police Department is to accept and resolve citizen complaints in a manner which will demonstrate the department’s commitment to professionalism.

If you believe a member of the Indiana State Police has conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner, and you wish to register a complaint with the Department, please visit our "Citizen Complaint Procedure" page for more information on the complaint procedure or e-mail

General ISP Inquiries

In Person:
Indiana Government Center North
100 N. Senate Avenue, Suite N340 (west elevators)
Indianapolis IN 46204
By Telephone:
317.232.8248 (24 hour service)

 Top FAQs