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Firearms License Inquiries

The best way to check the status of your application is online at!

Please complete the following steps prior to contacting ISP regarding the status of your firearms application.

Step 1:  Note the Anticipated TimelineIf there are no mistakes on your application and you have no criminal history, your license should be issued within 60 days from the time your local authority submitted your application to ISP.

Step 2:  Contact your local agencyContact your local agency to verify that they have forwarded your application to the Indiana State Police. When you contact your local agency, request your application number. This will assist in tracking down the status.

Step 3:  Contact ISP Firearms Licensing SectionIf you have completed the first two steps, you may contact the ISP Firearms License Unit.  Please email the following information within the format provided:

  • Name:
  • Email Address:
  • Daytime Phone Number:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Application Number:
  • Local Agency:
  • Address you used on the firearms license application:
  • Address if it has changed (This could be the reason for the delay):
  • Approximate date of fingerprinting:
  • Approximate date of payment:
  • Type of firearms license requested: Lifetime or 4 year

Send the completed information to:

Type 'Firearms License Inquiry' in the Subject line of the email.

Your inquiry will be directed to a member of the Firearms License Unit who will look into the reason for the processing delay.

If your application is still active but delayed due to verification of information, including criminal history, there may be a significant delay until all information has been received and reviewed by the Firearms License Unit.

If the delay is due to missing information or a problem within the process, you will be notified regarding required corrective action.