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Conservation for fish, wildlife, and YOU!

Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife enriches the quality of life for present and future people of Indiana by ensuring that fish and wildlife have a place to live and thrive.

Indiana’s State Wildlife Action Plan at work

The Indiana State Wildlife Action Plan uses a regional approach to focus the Indiana DNR’s conservation work. Find your county on the map below, click on the region you live in, and learn more about what makes your part of the state unique and how Indiana DNR works with its partners to protect fish, wildlife, and the places they call home.

GrantJayAdamsWellsCassBlack-fordSteubenDeKalbWhiteBentonCarrollFultonParkeWarrenClintonTiptonDelawareMadisonFountainBoonePutnamRushMorganClayBrownVermillionHancockLakePorterLaPorteDearbornSullivanKnoxMartinJacksonRipleyWashingtonOrangeClarkOhioSwitzerlandScottPikeGibsonHarrisonDaviessWarrickPoseyCrawfordSpencerPerryFloydMonroeHenryWayneNobleShelbyJenningsGreeneMarshallKosciuskoJasperNewtonPulaskiWabashHuntingtonMiamiJohnsonRandolphHamiltonMontgomeryMarionHendricksFayetteElkhartSt JosephLawrenceDuboisStarkeWhitleyAllenUnionHowardTippecanoeLaGrangeVigoFranklinOwenDecaturJeffersonBartholomewCorn BeltDrift PlainsInteriorPlateauValley & HillsGreat LakesKankakee

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