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Accessibility Outdoors

The Department of Natural Resources believes nature is for everyone and works to expand accessible features throughout the state. The Indiana Recreation Guide is a key source for information on state parks, lakes, state park inns, fish & wildlife areas, state forests and other DNR properties. Please see its legend for recreation symbols (see page 3) to discover accessible features at all DNR properties.

We also recognize that all people are unique and have different interests and abilities. Therefore, while this site is focused on accessibility activities, we suggest contacting the property directly to discuss options that meet your specific needs.

If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on this page interferes with your ability to access information, please contact Julie Planck, 317-234-5876.

Accessible Activities

Take the Accessibility Survey

Indiana DNR is dedicated to enhancing accessibility and inclusivity at our properties, where everyone is invited and welcomed. Please share your thoughts in this five-question survey. Your participation is voluntary, and your response will help us continue to improve your experience at DNR properties. The survey will take about five minutes of your time.

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