Pigeon River Fish & Wildlife Area provides quality outdoor recreational opportunities while maintaining 11,794 acres of land, 529 acres of lakes and impoundments and 17 miles of free-flowing river. The property contains a mix of habitat, including hardwoods, wetlands, and upland fields. It is home to many endangered species of plants and animals.
The area was established in 1956 when three reservoirs, Mongo, Nasby, and Ontario, in the Pigeon River Valley were given to the state. Since then, the state has acquired additional land along the river valley.
Most revenues used in land acquisition, development, operation, and maintenance of Pigeon River FWA are derived from the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses. Funds are also received from the federal Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson programs to aid fish and wildlife restoration. These funds are derived from taxes levied on sport hunting, shooting, and fishing equipment. Indiana hunters and anglers are proud to provide this property for the enjoyment of all people. Hunting, fishing, and bird watching are some of the most popular activities that occur on this property.
- Amenities
Pit toilets are available on the south side of the main office parking lot.
Popular activities
All hunters, range users, and dog runners are required to sign in and obtain the appropriate one-day access permit before entering the field at this property. The one-day permit card must be completed and returned to a self-service booth, drop box, or property office before you leave.
All other visitors are encouraged to obtain a miscellaneous one-day access permit before entering the field. The one-day access permit should be kept with you while visiting, then completed and returned to a self-service booth, drop box, or the office before you leave. The information you provide will help us identify ways to improve Indiana’s FWAs for all users. We appreciate your patience in taking the extra time to complete the permit. Your feedback and comments are valuable to us.
More activities
Other properties managed by this office
- Anspaugh Wetland Conservation Area is a 110-acre property bordering Loon Lake. Hunting is allowed by written permission only.
- Cedar Swamp Wetland Conservation Area is a 982-acre property. Hunting and trapping by permit are allowed and hunters must sign in. Waterfowl and spring turkey hunting is available through a draw system.
- Jimmerson Lake Wetland Conservation Area is an 83-acre property. It is available for waterfowl hunting only. Sign in is not required.
- Marsh Lake/Crane Marsh Wetland Conservation Area is a 659-acre property. Hunting and trapping by permit are allowed and hunters must sign in. Waterfowl and spring turkey hunting is available through a draw system.
- Ropchan Wildlife Refuge is an 88-acre nature preserve. It is not open to hunting. It joins property owned by ACRES Land Trust and DNR Division of Nature Preserves.
- Scott Mill Wildlife Management Area is a 113-acre property. Archery hunting is allowed and sign in is not required. Trapping is available through the trappers draw at the Pigeon River office the first Saturday of October at 10 a.m.
- Turkey Creek Wetland Conservation Area is a 7-acre property open to hunting. Sign in is not required.
For more information on these properties, contact the Pigeon River FWA office at