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Atterbury Fish & Wildlife Area

7970 S. Rowe Street
Edinburgh, IN 46124-1456

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Time Zone

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Property: 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. unless engaged in authorized activity. Some activities may have specific open times, especially if there is a draw. Please call property for questions.


Atterbury Fish & Wildlife Area is dedicated to providing quality outdoor recreational opportunities while maintaining 4,950 acres of upland game habitat, marsh, running creeks, and shallow impoundments. Learn more and see the property.

Atterbury Fish & Wildlife Area was purchased by the state from Camp Atterbury, an Army training installation established in 1942. In 1969, wildlife management efforts began on more than 5,400 acres. In October 2010, 1,250 acres were released to the Indiana National Guard in exchange for 1,990 acres of surplus land from the Indiana Department of Corrections in Putnam County. Presently the property totals 4,950 acres.

Most revenues used in land acquisition, development, operation, and maintenance of Atterbury Fish & Wildlife Area are derived from the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses. Funds are also received from the federal Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson programs to aid fish and wildlife restoration. These funds are derived from taxes levied on sport hunting, shooting, and fishing equipment. Indiana hunters and fishermen are proud to provide this property for the enjoyment of all people.

  • Amenities

    Public restrooms are at the following locations:


    • Atterbury FWA office


    • Beaver Bottom
    • Pisgah North
    • Pisgah South
    • Stone Arch

All hunters, range users, and dog runners are required to sign in and obtain the appropriate one-day access permit before entering the field at this property. The one-day permit card must be completed and returned to a self-service booth, drop box, or property office before you leave.

All other visitors are encouraged to obtain a miscellaneous one-day access permit before entering the field. The one-day access permit should be kept with you while visiting, then completed and returned to a self-service booth, drop box, or office before you leave. The information you provide will help us identify ways to improve Indiana’s FWAs for all users. We appreciate your patience in taking the extra time to complete the permit. Your feedback and comments are valuable to us.

Camping and fires are prohibited.

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Other properties managed by this office

  • Westercamp Wildlife Management Area is a 102-acre public property managed by Atterbury Fish & Wildlife Area. The property is in Decatur County, 3.5 miles south of Greensburg. This area is mostly upland grass habitat with some mixed hardwood forest and offers opportunities for deer and small game hunting. A parking area is in the southwest corner of the property. No check-in is required.

For more information on this property, view the Where to Hunt map.

Neighboring lands

  • Driftwood State Fishing Area is a 260-acre property ideal for bass, bluegill, catfish, crappie, and tiger muskellunge. Plover Pit has two concrete boat ramps, and Meadowlark and Sandpiper pits have gravel access ramps. An ADA accessible fishing pier is located at the Plover Pit ramp.
  • Johnson County Park and Recreation Area offers camping, fishing, equestrian events, and other recreational activities.

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