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Cikana State Fish Hatchery

2650 SR 44
Martinsville, IN 46151

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Property: Dusk to dawn, daily.
Office: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, closed on state holidays.

Cikana State Fish Hatchery is located near Martinsville, in Morgan County. The hatchery offices are located at the East Unit off State Road 44, one mile east of Interstate 69. A second parcel, known as the North Unit, is located along I-69, one mile north of S.R. 44. The property is open to the public during operating hours. Tours can be arranged by contacting the hatchery staff.

Indiana state fish hatcheries do not sell fish.

By the mid-1960s, the need for expansion of Indiana’s existing hatchery system was apparent due to the rapidly increasing amount of public waters. Construction of numerous reservoirs and impoundments created the need for a centralized, warm-water facility to boost production of species such as largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish. In 1966, two parcels of land featuring 123 ponds (totaling 37 acres) were purchased from Grassyforks Fisheries, a major producer of goldfish. After extensive renovations and improvements, the preparation of Cikana State Fish Hatchery was completed in 1975.

With a large number of ponds, ample acreage available, and a constant supply of clean well water, Cikana was primed to help biologists meet the demands of Indiana’s growing public waters. Today, Cikana operates as a warm-water/cool-water facility focusing on the production of walleye, sauger, channel catfish, largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, black crappie, and fathead minnows.

  • Units

    The East Unit

    The East Unit, when purchased, was 78 acres total with 85 ponds. Extensive renovations between 1966 and 1975 transformed these shallow goldfish-rearing ponds into 22 ponds totaling 21 acres of surface area. Ranging in size from 0.3 to 1.7 acres, each pond now features a strengthened levee and is sloped to drain into a concrete basin. Ponds drain through a connected drainage system and are supplied by individual fill lines connected to a total of four wells on the property.

    The main hatchery offices, a three-bay service building, and Cikana's fish culture building are located on the East Unit. The culture building is supplied water from a 10,000-gallon tank that can be filled with well water or pond water, per each species’ needs.

    The property manager’s residence and District 4 Fisheries Management offices are also located on the East Unit. Popular attractions include two large wildflower plots and hiking on two trails or around pond levees.

    The North Unit

    The 40-acre North Unit was renovated in 1981 to bolster production at Cikana with an additional 13 ponds totaling 7.4 acres. In 2020, a second renovation combined several ponds, leaving 11 ponds totaling 7.5 acres. Each new pond has increased volume, strengthened levees, and its own concrete harvest structure, and is connected to improved water supply and drainage systems.

    Also located on the North Unit are the assistant property manager’s residence, a storage barn, and a three-bay service building.

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